Killing to bring peace to the oppressed

The big dark heavily built man lifted the axe and as he lowered it the it towards the woman’s neck, his hand and head blew up in chunky bits by bullets strikes in loud bangs that sent the village attackers scampering in all directions.

“Sir, attack!” Oscar shouted through the captain’s radio.

Captain Matthews stood up and shouted to the men near him to stand up and attack. The soldiers stood up and began to head towards the village.

“Snipers you are free to fire,” Captain Matthews said loudly and the snipers in the trees started popping off heads and blowing up chests of the rebels. The captain ran in front of his men as he held his rifle tightly in front of it.

“Let’s kill these sons of bitches,” Captain Matthews shouted as he shot his rifle when he noticed one of the rebels carrying a machete in front of him. His bullet hit the rebels head blowing off his left side and he fell to the ground motionless. The soldiers kept on shooting at the rebels and there was noise everywhere.

Oscar on the other side of the village was towards the center and he was the one that had saved the woman who was about to be beheaded after he blew the executioners head his assault rifle. Those in the execution line started to run in all directions as Oscar and Ted shot the rebels in most cases in the head who were running towards them with sharp machetes raised above their heads. Oscar’s eyes kept looking around for one person only, the leader of the rebel group and he was not prepared to miss him. Then in a shocking twist of fate the rebel leader Scarface himself run right in front of Oscar and he saw him but before he could fire any shots towards his wicked body his two body guarded fired toward Oscar, grazing him on the shoulder and blood began to flow from his wound. Before the rebels could continue to shot at Oscar they got blown to bits that scattered everywhere by a grenade that came from behind Oscar. Oscar looked behind and saw Ted who showed him the ‘I did that’ face and showed him the pin.

“Go and get that fucker and make sure he bleeds slowly,” Ted stated quickly and continued to fire his gun in different direction.

“Thanks man. Go find Bob and Frank they need your help right now,” Oscar said paused for a second and continued, “and yes I will kill that motherfucker.”

Oscar chased the rebel leader through the village while shooting some of his followers. The chase continued until they left the village with the Oscar still vigorous and focused. Soon the rebel leader got tired and leaned on a nearby tree. He then turned around and removed his machete from its sheath. Oscar pulled the trigger on his gun but nothing came out.

“No bullets… I will enjoy killing you slowly and later I will pin your head to my wall as a decoration. Ha-ha! Ha-ha!” The rebel leader said as he laughed looking at Oscars face.

The rebel leader charged towards him with his machete raised high but Oscar moved away from the direction of his attack and removed his knife from its sheath. He gave out a small smile as he looked at the scar faced leader straight in the eye.

“You are not the only one who has been in a knife fight before and believe me it’s better than a gun fight,” Oscar responded in a loud thick voice as he looked at him angry.

The rebel leader throw another swing of his machete towards Oscar but he swung left swerving the attack. He responded to that attack by slicing into the rebel leader shoulder closer to his worn out vest leaving a deep cut. The rebel leader touched his wound now bleeding, wetting his hand with blood. He smeared the blood from the wound to the rest of his arm as he walked slowly in front of Oscar and not breaking a stare.

“You think this cut means anything at all. I have a thousand of them on my body and none have ever killed me. Look at my face, does it look like a face that can lie to you? Does it look like a face that can be strike down by a mere knife?” the rebel leader spoke and spat to the ground.

“All I see is an ugly face of a person that does not deserve to live. I don’t care how many cuts never killed you, mine will,” Oscar responded as he neared him slowly.

“Spoken like a real idiot!” The rebel leader shouted out loud.

Oscar rushed towards him with a knife attack aimed to slice his neck. The leader moved a meter backwards and Oscar missed. The rebel leader then stretched out his long leg and kicked him in the stomach hard pushing him backwards towards a tree. As Oscar hit the tree the rebel leader dashed towards him with his machete raised high aiming for his neck. Oscar dived to the right on the ground and stood up quickly while the rebel’s strike hit the tree. The rebel turned towards his direction and swung his machete toward his heart but he moved to the left escaping its sharp blade by an inch. Oscar then swung his knife toward the stretched out hand of the rebel leader cutting off the fingers holding the machete and the weapon fell to the ground. The rebel leader shouted out loud as he looked at his fingers on the ground. Oscar quickly punched him in the face with three quick punches and then kicked him in the chest that he fell to the ground releasing a cloud of red dust.

“You think you are a man huh! This won’t kill me! This will be another camp fire story that I will tell my men as we sit around a big fire after an attack!” the rebel leader shouted as he held his wounds with his left hand.

Oscar walked toward the Machete that was on the ground as the rebel leader watched in despair. He picked the weapon up, held it firmly with his right hand and directed all his strength towards its grip.

“Now for you to feel the pain that you inflicted on the innocent,” Oscar said as he went over his fallen body and raised the machete high.

“Please listen to me. I …” the rebel pleaded.

But before he could finish the sentence Oscar chopped his head clean off with one strong strike and blood gushed out from his neck like a blown water pump. Oscar continued swinging the machete several times that at the end the monster rebel leader was just pieces for birds to feed on. Oscar knelt on the ground and picked up his head as evidence of the rebel leader’s death for his Captain and superiors to see. The village was now silent from the gun fire and screams. The villager came out from hiding to thank the soldiers. Others helped in carrying Frank towards a vehicle that had now arrived. But when the villagers saw Oscar carrying the severed head of the rebel leader the whole village began to rejoice heavily. Women danced everywhere and men came to embraced him and showed their gratitude. The headman of the village came to him as he walked towards the direction of the captain and hugged him with tears filling his eyes.

“Thank you saving us from this evil man who has eliminated us and other surrounding villages. Seeing you carrying his head makes the spirit of my son rest in peace,” The Headman said as he let go of Oscar.

Oscar smiled and replied slowly, “I was just doing my job. Evil men do not deserve to live long enough to continue their evil acts for long.”

“Thank the gods for you. Now we feast to a new beginning and a bright future,” The headman said as he looked at him straight in the eyes.

Oscar just nodded in response with a smile covering his face. Then the Headman rushed off instructing men to get organized by getting the dead bodies of the rebels out of the small village to be burned and the women to prepare a fire that would soon be used for cooking. The Captain walked towards Oscar’s direction slowly as the village locals moved in every direction in front of him. When he reached Oscar he smiled while patting and opening his upper pocket.

“I see you have made a lot of friends today, kid,” Captain Matthews said slowly as he put a cigarette to his mouth and lite it with a lighter.

“I guess we all did. Our team saved these people and now they can live in peace, true peace,” Oscar replied and smiled as a cloud of smoke neared his face.

Captain Matthews stretched his hand to hold the rebel leader’s head by its shaggy hair. Oscar surrendered it freely leaving it in his Captains hands.

“Let me take this off your hands, Oscar. I want to notice the face of terror up close,” Captain Matthews said jokingly.

“Here is your retirement,” Oscar said and smiled.

Oscar walked slowly through the village as the sun set in front of him. This place once terrorized by evil men was now going to experience peace. A peace worthwhile which was brought by few men ready to lay their lives on the line to see it happen.