We should not invite people whom we do not know.
We should not move with cruel and wild animals.
We should not go near to the Nis which we do not identify.
We do not move with unknown animals.
We should not give uninvited suggestions.
Never support and help which we are not concerned.
We should not move with unknown strangers.
Lest, it is sure one day we land in problem.
We should be in our own place.
There was a village.
In this village there was a small lake.
In this lake all frogs, fish and small creatures used to live friendly and happily.
Near to this lake, there lived a CRAB.
This Crab's friends are fish from this lake.
There lived a Crane.
This Crane used to come to this lake everyday and used to drink water.
This Crane was a cruel minded one.
This Crane was having all sorts of nonsense ideas.
This Crane used to play all gimmicks.