Chapter 6

Jayden's POV

I left Maxine alone outside, because I forgot my keys and jacket.

I went inside my office to pick up what I left behind.

When I came out of the office, Ulyisha suddenly greeted me.

Ulyisha is one of Maxine's friends, she is a nurse here at the hospital.

Doc, can I talk to Maxine? She asked me.

Why? What will you tell him? I asked

This is important. She replied.

Follow me outside. I said and walked ahead.

Then, are you on your shift? I asked

Just finished, Doc. She replied.

I smiled.

Don't be too formal, were friends remember. We also have a 2 years gap I said.

Hahaha ... Sorry Do- Jayden He replied

You're so cute Ulyisha.

Thank you Jayden. She said blushing.

We walked quietly out of the hospital.

When we got out, Maxine was gone.

Maxine? I call her.

I received no answer.

Call her Ulyisha said.

I tried to call her.

But this is always the answer.

The number you have dialed is either unattended or out of coverage area. Please check the number and dial again.

I called her again.

The number you have dialed is either unattended or out of coverage area. Please check the number and dial again.

I repeated again.

The number you have dialed is either unattended or out of coverage area. Please check the number and dial again.

I tried to call her for the nth time then she answered.

Maxine, where are you? Where did you go? I asked her

I heard a man laugh.

Who are you? I asked

You are Jayden, Maxine's boyfriend, we are holding her now ..... listen to her plea says a man me..They kidnapped me..I can't do anything .. Jayden..I'm begging you ..I heared her shout while crying.

Maxine, where are you? I will help you. Don't worry. I said

My whole body was shaking with anger.

In b- AHHHHHH JAYDEN..Help.. she shouted while crying I heard a blow.

Now, you have heard the voice of your beloved Maxine. Bring 5 million in exchange for Maxine to live. Let's meet later at an abandoned house in Hidden woods this 11:00 pm..If you get will see her body lifeless .. It should be exactly 11pm. He said and the call died.

Don't kill Maxineeee !!! I shouted

I almost threw my cellphone away.

What happened to Maxine Jayden?Ulyisha asked worriedly.

Ulyisha somebody kidnapped her..she is now being held by an unidentified man.

Jayden I think we need to ask help on Department of Defense. She said

I will think of that I answered

I will kill whoever ordered it.

I went back to the hospital and looked for Clarisse.

I need to talk to Doctora Clarisse I told the nurse.

I went to my office and waited for Clarisse.

The door opened and Clarisse showed up.

They said that you called me honey she said with flirt in her voice.

Sit I seriously said to her.

Tell me what grudge are you keeping to Maxine? I seriously asked

It's just simple honey, I don't want a slapsoil to flirt with you she said and held my hand.

I just stared at her with cold eyes.

You may leave I said to her

She was surprised and smiled.

Now you just called me let's have some quality time together. She said softly and sat down at my desk while holding my arm.

I coughed.

I said you may leave my voice is mixed with anger.

Oh dear,we will have some quality time together but soon. When you realize that I am much more beautiful than Maxine. She said and winked.

I breathed a sigh of relief as she go out.

I also went out to prepare.

Edcheal and Ulyisha followed me.

We will go with you. They said

You will only perish, I said.

We can protect ourselves. They said.

We are trained also to protect people's lives remember? Ulyisha said while smiling.

You may have forgotten that you were the one who taught us. Edcheal said while looking straight at my eyes.

Her gaze intimidates me.

Fine. I said