What’s his name again?

Daniele looked at his daughter she held only pure hatred in her eyes for him he wished things could be different for now they wasn’t. He hated hurting Cora cause it hurt Luciana too, she’d seen everything he’d ever done to her mother and he was ashamed of himself but he’d told himself he could never be different than he was towards Cora since the day Michele had gone missing and he had vowed he’d continue torturing her till they had found him. Marco was loosing his patience and his mind he’d almost killed Daniele for what he was doing to Cora but he had told him he needed him, to finally destroy Nicolo Russo Then and only then he would let Marco punish him for all of his wrong doings.he aggreed for this reason alone he was a top assassin and he’d proved his worth he Jsut wished he had let Daniele end that ass holes life seventeen years ago because of his regrettable decision to trust Nicolo again it ended up Daniele torturing his niece unnecessarily.