Teagan Carter

Teagan walked alone her friends were all scared of Jonah Connors and she couldn’t really blame them, he was the year eleven bully and a bad boy more then her brother. At least her brother was subtle when it can to amount of girls he hung Aron d with or slept with unlike Jonah he was proud to be the schools’ male whore he’d had more girls than hot dinners. Teagan was now in year ten and had dealt with Jonah’s wrath for almost an entire now and only Jordan knew and had promised to keep it a secret as long as she learned to stick up to that ass hole god she’d tired but he was never alone his friends were always there to back hi up,

She hated school but she couldn’t tell her parents what was going on at school, they’d been through so much in the past sixteen years and chose never to talk about it. Their love for each other had gotten stronger with each day that had passed neither her or Jordan knew about their parents past and had chose not to ask it seemed a sorbet subject though they loved each other deeply their was still a hole in their plutonic relationship. Neither of them had spoke about what had happened seventeen years ago and had hoped they would never have to ever again they had noticed Teagan was slipping in her class work and had often come home with bruises and she had made the excuse that she was clumsy during P.E. Lessons hoping that they would buy her lie so the wouldn’t question her more she truly hated her life and wanted nothing more for it to end because of him , because of Jonah Connors he’d made her life a living hell for almost two years because he couldn’t get to Jordan and he knew it. Jordan wasn’t like her he was unique he had the ability to scare the shot out of people by just one look. He was a big softy at heart but he would kill anyone that harmed his family especially her.

She continued to walk to her next lesson until she got shoved to the wall his cold blue eyes stared into hers. ‘Your brother can’t save you from me Teagan. He’s just made everything worse for you a lot worse.’

‘Please Jonah leave me alone I never asked him to see you out.’

‘That maybe but I seriously don’t fucking care. You’re mine Teagan no matter how your brother tries to stop this you’ll be forever in my debt so get used to it.’

‘What did I ever do to you?’

He leaned forward talking into her ear. ‘You were born sweetheart. And I’m going to make you regret every moment of your pathetic life nor you or your precious brother can stop me.’ He said backing away slapping her face. She cringed but he wasn’t done the second came twice as hard and twice as fast, she fell to the ground his punches and kicks left her bleeding and unconscious.