
Jordan closed the door behind him hoping his parents were already in bed, wrong!

‘Where the hell have you been Jordan?’

‘Out.’ He said bluntly. Avoiding eye contact with his mother. He knew he was in shit it was almost midnight.

‘We were worried Jordan,’

‘No need I was safe.’

‘We thought your sister was too.’

He snapped his head around, ‘what?’

‘What’s wrong with Teagan?’

‘She’s in hospital Jordan and we had to go to see your headmaster.’

‘Yeah and what a delight that was too. ‘Caleb interjected. ‘Hes an assof your mother wasn’t there I’d’ve fucked hi mover speaking like that about your siste like that how fucking dare he say that she brought in on herself. She was fucking bullied by a guy or guys older than her and he blamed her instead of them.’

‘He‘s an asshole dad of your not his favourite you may as well suffer.’

‘If this continued she’ll be out ofthat fucking school and he’ll be in s fucking coma.’

Avery laced her hand on Caleb. ‘Calm down honey we’ll get through this and the education board will deal with him.

‘Where were you Jordan? You were supposed to be taking care of your little sister?’

‘I was too late dad they got to her before I could I took her to hospital.’

‘So why weren’t you there when we arrived?’

‘I was sorting out how to deal with them.’

‘And how do you propose to do that?’

‘I have a plan.’

‘No Jordan you don’t need a record.’

‘They hurt my sister, they're going to pay.’

‘Hey Jordi how you hangin dude?’

‘Hey Curt, how's things?’

‘Cool look I’m sorry about your sister, how is she?’

‘Hooked uo to a fucking machine.’

‘Fuck I’m sorry bro. Have you any idea who done it.’

‘I do.’

‘Carter.’ He said coldly.

He looked up staring daggers at jonah.’

‘How’s your sister ? I heard she got bet up pretty bad yesterday?’ He grinned.

He shot forward punching Jonah squared in the face.

‘What the fuck Carter I only asked how your sister was.’

‘You stay the fuck away from my sister.’

‘And if I don’t?’

He punched him again. ‘You leave her the fuck alone or I won’t hesitate on killing you next time.’

‘I don’t think so.’

‘Oh I fucking do.’

‘Your a pussy Carter you’re pathetic just like your fucking sister.’

‘That’s it.’

He threw punch after punch Jonah retaliating before the two of them got separated.

Matt picked upJordan outside school with his lip bust. ‘What the hell happened?’

‘The other guy looks worse!’ He cracked.’you can’t go to the club looking like that.’

‘I’m fine I need to do this Matt or he’ll get away with it forever and Teaganwon’t want to attend school anymore.’

‘Fine.’ He said, pulling away.

They walked into the club. ‘Shit kidwaht the fuck happeend to your face?’


‘I hope you have as good as you got.’

‘He’s worse.’

‘Glad to hear it. ‘

‘I got suspended.’

‘You what?’

‘The fuxking ass hole has it in for me amd Teagan for that matter hedidn’t even listen to my side fucking prick.’

‘Do you want me to go in and have a word?’

‘Nagh let him deal with dad.’

‘Caleb.’ He laughed.

‘He's pissed, let him feel his wrath, cause he will once he finds out the truth of why I got suspended.’

‘So are you training tonight kid?’

‘I am.’

‘Well let’s get started then.’

‘I’ll be coming in everyday since I got suspended. I want to learn everything.’

‘And you will kid.’

They all went into the changing rooms to change before doing their exercises before they went through the weights and running machine before they used the punching bags and he got shown more tactics. Using the hand punching gloves he learnt how to punch accurately without breaking any bones. ‘Great work kid, keep it up. I’d like to track you on the ring next time I’d that’s cool with you and Matt?’

‘It’s cool with me.’


‘I’d like that.’

‘Sweet I’ll see you next week kid.’

‘You will.‘

They changed and Matt dropped him off. ‘Be careful if you’re going alone.’

‘Aren’t you going to take me?’

‘Sorry kid I have work. I'll pick you up and train you after school hours.’

‘Sure thanks uncle Matt.’

‘Just all me Matt kid.’

‘Just call me Jordan Matt.’

He laughed. ‘Night kid.’

‘Night Matt.’ He said getting out of the car heading home.

He closed the door behind him .and where the hell have you been till now?’

‘Clearing my head.’

‘We got a phone call from your school Jordan what the hell has got into you? Fighting for fuck sake.’ Caleb,said shaking his head.

‘It’s not like that dad.’

‘You got suspended so how am I not to asine it’s not like that hmmh?’

‘Dad just listen to me.’

‘Fine talk.’

‘The principal wouldn’t listen to my side dad.’

‘And what’s your side exactly?’

‘He started it. He Ke pet goading me about Teagan asking how she was and grinning I swear I was only going to hit him once and walk away but he called me and Teagan

pussys I flipped my lid and get him up.’

‘I see.’ He looked at Jordan. ‘Had this boy got anything to do with why Teagan is in intensive care?’

He sighed hesitating.

‘Jordan tell me now or I swear to god I’ll castrateypu and you won’t be able to produce.’

Jordan laughed unintentionally.

‘Jordan Carter!’ He bellowed.

Shit he pissed his dad off.

‘Tell me, was he anything to do with it?’

‘Yes dad.’

‘I want you both out of that school.’

‘No dad let me handle it.’

‘Out of the question.’

‘Just a little longer I promise if things don’t stop you can take Teagan out of the school.’

‘And you.’

‘No dad I can take care of myself Teagan can’t.’

‘Fine done.