
Another two months have gone past and the news had finally come Teagan is finally awake!

I rush to the hospital for school I let Matt knwo and he is waiting outside we have training later mom and sad are already with her. I’ve returned back to school and thanks to my friends and those that respect me I have completed all of my work and it has been handed in daily. Mon and dad still have no idea that I am training. At the fight club and also fighting I am training with razor tonight. The geezer seems to have Twain a liking to me. I’ve been informed next month I will be going up against the beat cafe fighters that the club for a across the city has I’m still fighting those in the club and this weekend onward I will be fighting the best of the best for the fight clubs from the adjacent towns. I’m looking forward to it but I’m looking forward to finally seeing my little sister awake I need to know everything so I can sort that prick out good and proper. I sure hope it’s in the fight club cause I’m going to tear him limb from limb for what he’s done to my sister, and those assholes he chooses to call his friends, but more towards him seem as he has a seemly hate against my sister. And I want to know why. I’ve kept my cool, so far in school even with his snide remarks, I sure hope when Teagan is able to return to school my warning will be enough to keep him away. I walk out of school.

Matt is standing by his car and he smiles. I nod my head and. Walk up to him. ‘So are you ready for this kid?’

‘I need to know exactly what happened to her so I can deal with it.’

‘Just remember to take it easy on her she hasn’t long woken up.’

I nodded, mom called me during break and she told me that Teagan had even around ten am. She didn’t want to disturb me as I was in class. Like I cared I’d‘ve gone to the hospital without a care what the teachers said but mom being mom said I had to do all my lessons and not get into anymore shit so I agreed to wait till school was over. I've been doing pretty well in avoiding any contact with Jonah even though I’ve seen him around and he’s been making snide comments. I've taken it in my stride and ignored him without punching his lights out which has been pretty hard considering.

We both got into the car and he pulled away. ;jsut behave once we get there no kicking off Jordan.’

‘What happened to kid?’ I teased.

‘Nice not the time Jordan. Your parents are concerned you may kick off the temperament you’ve been in since Teagan was admitted to hospital.’

‘I won’t.’

He looked at me.

‘I promise I just want her to tell me what happened so I can help her.’

‘I understand.’

He pulled up to the hospital, we got out, closing the doors. He turned the key which turned on the central locking system and the alarm. Can never trust people theses days.we walked into the hospital to the third floor where Teagan was. We walked up to the room mom and dad looked up and smiled. I returned their smile. Mom walked out. ‘Now listen to me Jordan Carter. I know you're angry at what happened to your sister so no going off on one. I know you want to know what happened we all do p[but please go easy on her and don't get angry at her if she doesn’t answer.’

‘I won’t mom I promise.’

She smiled nodding. I walked into the room dad loked at me and at Teagan. ‘I’ll leave you two to talk.’ He said tapping me on the shoulder. ‘Take it easy on her Jordon.’

‘I will.’

He smiled walking out.

I looked at her and she smiled. ‘How are you lil sis.’

‘Getting there Jordi.’

I nodded. ‘I need to ask you something sis if you. If you don’t want to answer you don’t have to. I won’t get mad at you I promise.’

She let out a deep breath. I think she keeps this was coming. ‘What do you want to know Jordi?’

‘Did Jonah do this to you ?’


Well that was pretty easy, the next question wasn’t going to be.’

‘Why did he do it?’

‘I don’t know Jordi.’

‘You can tell me sis. I won’t get mad, I promise.’

‘Cause I went to you and told you what he’d done.’ She started crying. ‘I’m sorry Jordi. I should never have told you.’

‘Hey.’ I said wrapping my arms around her. ‘This Is not your fault, he’s a bully he thinks he can scare everyone including you. But I’m not going to let him.’

‘Please don’t do anything else Jordi, he'll kill me next time.’

‘No he won’t I promise.’ I said kissing her forehead. ‘I promise Teagan I’ll sort this and it won’t be in school and he’ll neve bully you again okay.’


I moved away wiping her tears. ‘That’s better. Be strong Teagan always be strong. The bullies of this world prey on the weak, take out the leader and they will back down.I hoped my words made a difference. I wasn’t aware everyone was watching us from outside until I walked out and f[dad pulled me in for a bone crunching hug. ‘I'm so proud of you son.’ two months have gone past and the news had finally come Teagan is finally awake!

I rush to the hospital for school I let Matt knwo and he is waiting outside we have training later mom and sad are already with her. I’ve returned back to school and thanks to my friends and those that respect me I have completed all of my work and it has been handed in daily. Mon and dad still have no idea that I am training. At the fight club and also fighting I am training with razor tonight. The geezer seems to have Twain a liking to me. I’ve been informed next month I will be going up against the beat cafe fighters that the club for a across the city has I’m still fighting those in the club and this weekend onward I will be fighting the best of the best for the fight clubs from the adjacent towns. I’m looking forward to it but I’m looking forward to finally seeing my little sister awake I need to know everything so I can sort that prick out good and proper. I sure hope it’s in the fight club cause I’m going to tear him limb from limb for what he’s done to my sister, and those assholes he chooses to call his friends, but more towards him seem as he has a seemly hate against my sister. And I want to know why. I’ve kept my col, so far in school even with his snide remarks, I sure hope when Teagan is able to return to school my warning will be enough to keep him away. I walk out of school. Matt is standing by his car he smiles I nod my head and. Walk up to him. ‘So are you ready for this kid?’