
Jordan and Riley lay sleeping in the bed that had been sharing for the past three months, he had no idea where Jonah was keeping Teagan her device had gone off line which meant only one thing the battery was dead on both her device and mobile.


He was so frustrated he needed to find her and fast before the police got to them. The pounding in the door echoed through the shack we were in. Fuck they’d found us I was too late. ‘Open up and let the girl go.’

Jordan Carter

‘Riley babe we have to go.’

She groaned.

‘Riley babe we have to go.’


‘The cops.’

‘Urgh.’ She groaned, pulling herself up. She knew I didn’t want them finding us so who the fuck had tipped them off?

We dressed slipping into our trainers. The door bust open guns pointing at my head. Fuck they were quick they must’ve used a door breaker to get in fuck this wasn’t going to end well. ‘Step away from the girl Mr. Carter.’

Fuck no way was I not going down without a fight. ‘Sorry Riley.’ I said in her ear. I grabbed her bringing her toward me gripping tightly onto her waisted the knife close to her throat I could feel her shaking in my arms. ‘It’s okay baby we’re getting out of here.’

I looked at the officers. ‘Nice out of my way or she dies.’

‘Put the knife down son.’

‘I’m not your fucking son, move.’

I pushed her forward the knife still at her neck. Tears forming in her eyes. ‘We’ll be out of here soon babe.’

I continued forward the police men armed and ready. ‘Do you really want to risk her life?’

I looked at the, they backed away. ‘I thought not.’

I continued forward the knife still on her neck cutting into it. ‘I’m sorry baby we need to get out of here and this is the only way please forgive me.’ I said kissing her cheek. We made it out of the shack the police on gaurd .’ Put the knife down and lose the girl.’

‘I don’t fucking think so.’

The guns pointed at us.

‘Try it and see what happens. I said digging the knife closer into her skin.

They stood their ground good. That’s better. We got to the car that’s when I looked her my mistake I opened the door to get her in the gun cranked o wasn’t quick enough. The bullet went through me she screamed blacking out and I fell to the ground.

Jonah Connors.

Me and Teagan had the best night ever last night I think she’s finally warming up to me after the months we’ve been together. But I couldn’t think about that right now k we needed to move in I needed to find Riley I knew he had her and no doubt he’d keep her with him until he found me and Teagan no doubt my dearest little sister had filled him in on our connection and our family history. We had to find them I knew my father would be looking for us and her parents would be looking for them. The police was probably involved by now. We had to get out of here but I was so damn tired I was so warm out after our session last night which led into the early hours of this morning. I grinned to myself. She was so fucking perfect I was never going to let her go.

I heard the guns cranking. ‘Up on your feet.’

I stirred opening my eyes. Fuck shit cops how the fuck had they found us? We were in the middle of no where. I groaned. ‘Teagan wake up babe we have company.’


‘Babe wake up.’

‘She woke up and screamed at the men surrounding us we were in bed naked. She pulled the sheet up over her naked body. ‘Get dressed Miss were taking you home.’

‘Over my dead body.’

‘Get dressed mam.’

They pulled me up fuck my naked ness. ‘Get fucking dressed your coming down the station to answer some questions.’

I fell to the floor groaning. ‘A little privacy.’

They looked,confused.

‘We won’t run you don’t want our parents thinking the cops, they sent to find us are pervs do you ?’

‘Fine ten minutes and were coming in.’

I nodded.

They walked out closing the door. I looked at her. ‘Look what ever happens Teagan I love you just remember that okay.’

She nodded. ‘Okay.’ She whispered.

The room fell into silence as we dressed. I place my hand on her face lifting her chin’ look at me Teagan.’

She lifted her eyes. ‘I don’t know how long I’ll be inside for but you have to promise me one thing. Wait for me.’


‘Promise me.’

‘I promise.’

I smiled pressing my lips on hers kissing her passionately. The door shot open. ‘Come on love birds no time for that.’

The cuffs event into my wrists. ‘I’m arresting you on kidnap you have the right to remain silent. What ever you say may be used against you in the court of law.’

They pushed me out putting a blanket around Teagan they pushed me in the back of the police car as she was takin by a ambulance.