
A proof of love- Part 2


Where are we going? I asked Georgina

Why does it bothers you? She replied with a question

How rude. I thought to myself

Hey, I don't think I have any more seconds to waste here because I need to be on my way and I need to look for someone

Olly? She questioned me

So? Any problem with that? I retaliated

Hahaha. She burst into laughter. Here you are, looking for someone who doesn't even care about you. Do you think she's probably looking for you just the way you are like little lost puppies? She snorted

Olly is in love with someone else. Do not let her waste your time trying to achieve what is not possible okay?

What do you mean? I raised a brow at her

Take a look. She replied while pointing towards the gate entrance. My jaw fell immediately. Is Olly really in love with someone else? And that too with Louis? I don't want to believe that. I know this must be a set up between those two. I must get to Olly as soon as possible