
Digging past matters


Mom! You don't mean that right? I asked my mom in tears and confusion. You told me my dad was dead..... That I don't have a father. All these years I've lived believing your lies? That I don't have a father? I asked again. So you lied to me?

I didn't have a choice, Edna retorted

What the hell do you mean by that? If you had not acted that way then all these wouldn't have happened mom, I shouted at her

I'm in love with my half brother, isn't that a shame to you? I blurted out and Edna only cried the more

I'm sorry, Edna pleaded

What do you think would be left of me mom? Why did you do this to me? WHY! Why mom? I cried out with tears rushing down my face then I walked towards the door

Where are you heading to? Edna asked

To see Dean, I replied

NO! Please don't go, please Olly! Edna cried out but I was already out
