Avery met the tour group to show them around the museum and all the artefacts that had been brought back from Athens she’d be returning to Birmingham to show off the rest of the artefacts from around Greece. She’d talked about the excursion and the dig about everything that they had found and the picture that they had taken.

‘I didn’t know this was your exhibit.’

‘Yes it is I’d worked really hard on it.’

‘I can see that princess.’

She swallowed there was only one person that ever called her that. She turned he smiled and she swallowed. ‘Noah.’


‘Could say that. What are you doing here Noah?’

‘How’s about we go to the cafe and we can talk?’

‘S..s..sure the tour is over ant anyway.’

‘He smiled. ‘Shall we?’

She nodded.

He placed his hand on the lower half of her back following her to the cafe where he orders two mocha lattes. They placed the drinks on the table and sat down. ‘So how are you princess?’


He smiled. ‘So I take it you’re back from whatever it is you do.’

‘I’m an archaeologist Noah and yes I’m back for this year.’

‘So how long have you worked here?’

‘I came back a few months ago and we began to set everything up making sure to clean everything thoroughly and make sure everything was in its correct place before setting it out for the exhibition.’

He nodded.

‘So why are you here Noah? and don say for the exhibition I know this stuff doesn’t interest you.’

‘I’m here on business, relax princess.’

‘So why are you in the museum.’

‘Oh that my boss said I should come, his sister works here and we’re meeting up later he said the exhibit was one of the best he’d ever seen and to be honest he was right he mentioned your name, but I never thought anyhting of it until I put two and two together when I heard your sexy voice.’

‘Don’t Noah.’

‘Don’t what?’

‘You know what.’

‘I’m sorry princess. I know we didn’t part on good terms. I just wanted to make up for all of it. Can we meet up tomorrow and we can catch up?’

‘I thought we were now?’

‘I guess we are. At least come out with all of us for drinks.’

‘I’ll think about it.’

‘We’ll be in Cscada Friday night at 10 if you want to join us we’ll wait by the bar.’


‘So how’s Marcus?’

‘Ask him yourself.’


‘I’m sorry I haven’t spoken to Marcus for over a year.’

‘I’m sorry I didn’t know.’

‘I thought you and Jenson were like close?’



‘It was my fault princess. I knew how much he loved you and I ruined it becasue I still loved you and wanted back what I had, I guess neither of us got it.’

‘I guess.’

‘So are you alone?’

‘Not exactly.’

‘What do you mean not exactly?’

‘I flat share with Caleb.’

His face scrunched up, he scowled and gritted his teeth. ‘I see.’

‘We don’t share a room Noah we have separate bedrooms we just share the apartment nothing else.’

Relieved his face turned into a smirk as he slumped back into his chair. ‘So how’s Matt?’

‘Cool. He and Shawna are good. They moved onto a house not long back they felt the flat was too small.’

‘So he actually went through the whole marriage thing then?’

‘It wasn’t a thing Noah, they love each other.’

‘This is Matt we’re talking about.’

‘And Matt has changed ant for the better if you ask me.’

He nodded. ‘Well I’ve got to go princess. It was nice to see you again.’

‘You to.’

He pulled himself up out of the chair. He leaned forward kissing her brow. ‘I hope to see you Friday and we can catch up properly.’

She swallowed and nodded. ‘Bye Noah.’

‘Princess.’ He said, waking away.

She finished her mocha and pulled herself up going to the ladies to freshen up before heading back for the next tour.

‘Hey Avery.’

‘Hey Eviline.’

‘My brother is having a g together Friday with some of his colleagues. He invited me and asked me to bring some friends along so how’s about it?’


‘Sweet invite Caleb I know how you two like painting the town red!’ She laughed.

Avery chuckled as she knew her and Caleb too well, she’d been out with them a handful of times and they’d all ended up paralytic by the morning and had all collapsed in the lounge. ‘It’s at Cascada.’

Her face dropped was her brother Noah’s boss. ‘You okay honey?’

‘I’m fine.’

‘Good. We’re all meeting at nine but knowing you you’ll be an hour late.’ She giggled. God her friend knew her so well.

‘I heard there were going to be some hotties so maybe I’ll get lucky.’

Avery laughed.

‘You okay babe?’ Caleb asked curiously.

‘I saw Noah today.’

His face turned into a scowl. ‘What the fuck is he doing in London.’

‘Business trip.’

‘Did you talk to him?’

‘He approached me and I could hardly ignore him.’

‘You could’ve tried.’

‘I thoght you wanted me to sort my feelings and tell them what I really want.’

‘I do. I’m sorry babe he makes my blood boil.’

‘He apologised.’

‘Did you accept?’


He looked at her curiously.

‘We talked.’

He nodded.

Eviline asked me to go for drinks Friday night at Cascada.’

‘Okay, but you don’t have to run it by me every time you wish to go out with your friends from work.’

‘I know she asked you to join us, besides I want you to go.’

His curiosity grew.

’Noah will be there with his boss and colleagues. I don’t want him getting the wrong idea.’

‘Interesting. I’ll go, I'll be your wingman and if he comes near you I’ll stick my tongue down your neck how’s that?’

She scowled.

He laughed.

‘What’s so funny?’

‘Your face you should see it. It’s a picture priceless.’ He continued laughing.

She slapped him.

‘Owe that was uncalled for.’

‘And you faking it that never hurt.’

‘No it didn’t.’ But I’ve got your back babe he won’t come near you I promise.’


‘My pleasure. Oh and by the way Matt called we’re heading over to Devon next weekend he say she’s got a surprise for you.’


‘How the fuck am I supposed to know just book four days off cause he reckons it’s important.’


He slipped his arm around her pulling her close to him hugging her, she wrapped her arm around him leaning her head on his chest.