The entrance to the division's armory was just like the one in their military training base.

A smiling middle-aged soldier sat at the counter facing them, he is the armory keeper. They recognized him as he was one of the high-grade soldiers that the captain introduced to them.

“Good morning Sergeant Morris,” they greeted respectfully and saluted, after getting closer to him.

“We want to check out the armory,” Clark added.

“Good morning Sergeants, of course, you can check it out,” he said with a wider smile on his face, after returning the greeting.

“Just fill in your names and the time you came here on this digital book. When you are going out, fill in the time also for reference purposes”.

“Ok, thanks”. They replied, as they quickly filled in their names before entering the armory.

The armory still fascinated Clark on entering, despite this not being his first time entering an armory.