Clark and Sonia both activated their camouflage devices, perfectly disguising themselves as regular citizens of the Mocan republic. They needed it, as being in the shadows was to their favor.

Clark’s advice was that they should disguise themselves as siblings, but Sonia insisted on them disguising themselves as a pair of lovers. She reasoned that it would be more convincing for young youths like them.

After much argument, he eventually relented before finally following her suggestion. He was no match for a woman like her, in terms of argument prowess.

Looking at the decision from the bright side, it was not too bad. He consoled his ego with this, as they quickly located a boutique in the nearest town.

He got dressed in a pair of ripped blue jean trousers and a red polo t-shirt. With his short trimmed dark hair and the young vibe that he was exuding, the dress code made him look like a youngster going on a date with his girlfriend.