A year quickly passed like the wind, as the higher-ups of the Roman Empire fleet finally started plans for their gladiators. After so long of high-intensity training, the anticipated and dreaded elimination round began.

During Clark’s time training in the ship, he forfeited making friends as he was sure that 99.9% of them were going to die by the time the tournament is over, if not 100% of them. That was how deadly of a situation he was in.

Despite this fact, he was still a human, in the end, he became closer to 2 people than all the others. They could not be considered bosom friends, but they were close.

His 2 new companions were a boy and a girl, Emily and Henry, a perfect combination to curb his yearlong boredom.

“Clark, I know you’ll probably blast through this elimination phase”. Emily joked to liven the atmosphere between them, though she could not hide the sadness in her tone.