“That’s the cover-up that I used to convince the then Aragan superiors to approve my research, my ambition for the project was much more unbelievable than they were led to know”.

The white-bearded old Professor Granit kept on pouring insights to his much younger new test subject, answering all his queries. Clark was focused, listening with rapt attention.

“Acute brain dysfunction, pneumatic brain radiation, radical wear and tear of the brain, these and a lot of other brain diseases was the reason that I gave them”.

“They easily believed in my project as those diseases were the main enemies of humanity after the age of exotics and technology began, there was no way that we could avoid it”.

“Though medical technology improved a lot after the discovery of exotics, our exposure to radiations and a lot of other harmful things brought lots of new mutated diseases that haunted us for years”.