The same way that they left, that was how Clark and his student used to return stealthily to the Radan republic without arousing any suspicion from the soldiers manning the harbor 24/7.

Still in its stealth mode, the mini-submarine smoothly changed back to its basic configuration of a car before taking the 2 humans boarding it through the streets of the Radan republic.

12 minutes later, Albert finally steered the exotic car into the junkyard.

The familiar scene of the road bending down happened again, and Albert smoothly drove down to their secret underground base.

Throughout the journey, Clark didn’t talk much as he just admired the scenery of the country. Though there were not many admirable sights in the republic, he just admired the feeling of humanity again.

After staying far away from human community to train for 2 weeks, coming back revitalized his psyche in mysterious ways.