WebNovelThe Slave21.28%

Chapter 8

"Not yet Master. I'll go take them now," I said. "No, no need. You'll just end up sleeping the whole day away and we don't need that." I nodded my head in agreement and understanding, as if I understood the foundation of his words. "Today's your, revel and coronation, as our Slave Queen." Slave Queen, it was what they called human slaves that ended up being mated to supernatural Kings or Queens. Irrespective of the slaves gender, weather male or female, the slave would still be called a Slave Queen. The word 'slave,' in Slave Queen served as a reminder to the human named Slave Queen and to others, of the original identity of the human, which is a slave. The slave was fist a slave before he or she became a queen. "Okay, Master." "You'll take an injection that would help with the pain. But get dressed first." When they left the bathroom, Zhail quickly entered with three more slaves at his hill. They wash and groomed my body, dressing me in a feminine attire, then they did my hair and applied light makeup on my face. I looked at myself in the floor to ceiling mirror. The mirror healed the reflection of a light brown skinned girl, in a pail yellow off shoulder gown. She looked small and innocent, with an enchanting beautiful face. Her Raven black hair that kisses her knees, was put into a tight but messy hair bond, with few strands of hair sticking out in a roof but stylish way, making the two mate imprints on her both shoulders standout like pretty sore thumbs. Her black and gold eyes that shined like diamonds, looked a little bit bigger than they normally where making her, look cute and innocent. Plus the dress she was wearing also gleefully added to the cute and innocent theme she had going on. She was beautiful. But she wasn't a girl. She was a pretty boy in girls clothing. She was not female but male, although she did look like a beautiful girl without boobs. No matter how feminine she looked, no mater the type of female clothing she wears or make up that would be applied on her face. She would still be a boy. A human, male slave. "You look beautiful, Athiss." Zhail breathed out, as he steered at me. I didn't respond to his complement, me being beautiful was a cures not a blessing. "Alright. Let's go. We shouldn't keep our Masters waiting, any longer." Zhail said, then quickly led me and the other slaves out of the bathroom and into the living room, where both of my masters where waiting for me. I could feel Seth and Lieon's eyes on me, as I walked into the living room and stood in front of them while they both sat on the couch, with their legs crossed. Their gaze help the intensity of an eagle, watching it's prey. Prey. 'Hahaha.' How ironic, befiting and true. I've been seen as a prey all my life. A Bambi in the jungle, that is being hunted by every predator. The elevator door that was a few feet's away from the gold door that led to the stairs, suddenly opened. Timi walked out the door with a smile that was so bright, it could expel all the darkness and shadows out of this Earth. He held a medical bag in his left hand. "Hey, Athiss." "Good morning, Mister Timi." I greeted, then bowed down in respect. "Hey, little guy. Lieon, Seth." Timi nodded, in their general direction receiving groans of acknowledgement. With that he walked over to one of the side tables, placing his medical bag on it. "So I heard you haven't been feeling well." He said, while opening the bag. Glancing at me, briefly. I paddled my gaze away from him, bringing it to my covered feet's, finding the fact that the dress I'm wearing covered them completely, to be quite fascinating. For some unknown reasons. "So tell me, what's wrong?" I found the question quit strange, isn't he a doctor? Wasn't he the one that prescribed those pain killers for me? So he'll definitely know what's wrong. But it was obvious that he had no idea what was wrong with me. So he definitely wasn't the one that prescribed the pain relievers for me. 'Then who did?' Pushing that question out of my mind, I decided to kill the curiosity, that birthed that question. 'Why think of questions you know you couldn't ask or get an answer to.' "I've been having abdominal pains, Sir." "For how long?" "Two weeks know, Sir." "Strange –" "Timi, we don't have time for this. Just give him the damn pain killers, so we could be on our way." Seth barked out. "Alright, but tomorrow at twelve, I want him in my office so that I can examine him." "Sure." Responded, Lieon. Then Timi injected me with the pain reliever, on my right arm. When Timi finished injecting me with the drugs, he returned to his medical bag, putting back the few things he brought out, back in the bag then closed it. When Seth saw that he was done with what he was doing and was ready to go he said, "Let's go." Both Seth and Lieon stood up and walked to the elevator, with me and Timi walking behind them like shadows. When we walked into the lift, Lieon pressed the button for the ground floor. The suicide cheering elevator music, started to playing. 'I feel like stabbing my eardrums.' "We are going to have breakfast with important people, don't embarrass us and for the love of the gods, please don't say sad and depressing shits. No one what's to hear them and no body cares." "Yes Master." I said while nodding my head like a lizard, with all diligence. 'I know no body cares and I wouldn't have said "shits", if your whore hadn't asked. It was you who, allowed the conversation to exist.' When we reached the ground floor, My two Masters lead us down the hallway and into a room that was brightly lit by the sun. The walls where cream colored, with glass windows that where floor to ceiling. A long big black dining table that was decorated with food, was more than enough for the fifty people at both sides of the table, sitting on black chairs. The table was stationed, at the center of the room, with slaves standing by the wall, waiting to be called upon at anytime. When we walked in everyone stood up and bowed at our general direction. Seth took the sit at the head of the table, which was closer to the door we came in through. There were fifty one sits at each sides of the table, two sits where empty. One of the sits was by the right hand side of the sit at the foot of the table, while the other was at the central region of the table. Timi took the sit at the central region, while I followed Lieon to the foot of the table. Lieon sat on the sit at the foot of the table while I sat on the empty sit, by his right hand. The sit at the head of the table and the one at the foot of the table were thrown like, while the other sits were ordinary. Everyone sat patiently, waiting for the two Alpha Kings to give the order for them to eat. "Eat." Lieon and Seth said at the same time. At the command, everyone began to eat.