
Week 6 - pt 1

7th October

It wasn’t.

Connor walked into school alone. ‘No Autumn today?’

‘She’s gone to the docs.’

‘How come?’

‘Fuck knows all she said is she’d be in later.’

‘Guess we best be going in.’

‘Where’s Dan?’

‘Good question we ain’t seen him either.’

‘Guess he’ll be in when he decides to get his ass out of bed.’

The bell rang.

‘Let’s get to it shit hole waits for no one.’

They all walked in it felt weird today he’d always walked there with Autumn and Dan now the friends had come to blows it was just him and Autumn. He hoped she wasn’t dissing school because of this.

Connor and his friends said goodbyes till break. He walked alone to the smoking area wondering if Autumn would turn in. Dan walked down to the cigarette corner, the friends made eye contact. He lit a cigarette. ‘I’ll be gone when I’m done with this.’

‘So I take it you still have a sore head?’


‘Look just talk to her Dan she’s your friend.’

‘And you put a stop to that.’

‘Well I shouldn’t, just talk to her she misses you.’

‘Shame. You brought this on just remember that Con.’ He said doubting his cigarette out. Walking away. ‘We could’ve all been friends, but your jealous head got the better of you now she’s just left with you. Congrats Con you got what you wanted her all to yourself, so just stay out my face and tell her the same.’

‘Be reasonable Dan.’

‘Why the fuck should I? You ruined this for all of us. She was my friend. so what I liked her, but she liked you more. I accepted it then you piped up for what? One kiss that meant nothing to us only to you. Goodbye Con have a nice life.’ He stormed away.

Connor lit a cigarette smoking angrily. The bell rang and he doubted out his cigarette. Lunch was even quieter with out Autumn the docs surely daint take this long.

Autumn went into her last lesson. Stenton looked up smiling. Calling her over.

She slid in next to him

‘So where you been all day red? Con’s been going crazy he said you had a doctors appointment.’

‘Don’t go there.’

‘That bad?’

‘Yeah we waited nearly two hours to see him just to get some migraine tablets.’

‘Oh I see.’

‘I was supposed to be back by break, but the chemist took the piss then when I finally got in for lunch that sour face bitch collared me even though mom rang in. Grayson stepped in and I had my lunch while we talked.’

‘No need to explain to me red. I’m not Con.’

‘I know.’

‘Right class settle down and we’ll begin.’

Autumn and Stenton walked out of the class room heading down the corridor. ‘I’ll walk with you if Con don’t know your back he won’t wait.’

‘Sure thanks.’

‘The pleasures all mine red.’

Stenton and Autumn walked out of the school grounds walking home. ‘So how for do you live from the school?’

‘The other side of the lake.’

‘Wow now who’s posh.’

‘Mom got a good deal on the house. I like it there, it gives me somewhere to go when I just want to be alone.’

‘You have a bedroom for that red.’

‘I mean away from everyone.’

‘I see.’

‘Well this is me.’

‘I’ll see you tomorrow red.’

‘You will thanks for walking with me Stenton.’

‘My pleasure. Later red.’

‘Yeah later Stenton .’

He walked away. She sat by the lake she had hoped she’d catch up with Con, but her talk with Grayson had ended as the bell went for forth lesson. She lit a cigarette smoking. ‘So did you bunk today you weren’t in school?’

She looked up. ‘Con.’

‘Well did you? Don’t blame you if you did.’

‘No I told you I had the doctors.’

‘All morning?’

‘Most of it. I got back in school for lunch.’

‘And you didn’t join us.’

‘I’m sorry Con I was, then that sour face bitch collared me. She thought I was wagging even though mom called in. Grayson called me into his office to talk. I’m sorry Con the bell for lesson had gone when we finally stopped talking I ate my lunch in his office.’

‘It’s okay babe did they say what was up?’

‘Migraines Con I get them sometimes when I’m stressed. I’m fine they gave me some tablets to take for when I feel one coming on.’

‘This hasn’t got anything to do with me and Dan has it?’

‘No Con I’ve always had them.’

He sat next to her. He dropped his arm over her. ‘It’ll be okay babe it’ll all blow over.’

‘So you spoke to him?’

‘Briefly. He was in a bad mood same as yesterday.’


‘It’ll be okay babe trust me.’ He said kissing her fore head holding her close.

8th October

Connor and Autumn walked into school their friends stood waiting for them. Daniel

looked dead at the pair. ‘So where were you yesterday Autumn you bunk?’

‘No. I was running late the doctors took like forever then sour face collared me bitch. I didn’t get into lessons till after lunch.’

‘Where were you at lunch we didn’t see you.’


The bell rang.

‘Come on let’s get in.’

They all walked in Daniel cut his eyes at Autumn this day wasn’t going to be good.

Mathew stood waiting for Autumn. ‘You okay Autumn?’

‘Not really no.’

‘You best come in and tell me what’s bothering you.’

‘Sure.’ She sighed.

She dragged herself into the room dropping onto the sofa. He sat opposite her. ‘So I take it you haven’t had a good weekend?’

‘I did we went to a party.’

‘I see. Who’s we?’

‘Me and Con it was one of our friends every thing seemed okay till Sunday.’

‘Why what happened Sunday?

‘Daniel told me we could no longer be friends.’

‘Did you do some thing to upset him?’

‘No I don’t think so, we were okay till then.’

‘Don’t worry Autumn I’m sure it will blow over.’

‘I hope so.’

‘It will Autumn. You sound like a good friend to me. I wouldn’t ruin that for anyone if we were friends.’

I guess.’

The bell rang. ‘Well I guess we’ll talk more Thursday.’

‘I guess.’

‘It will all be sorted by then Autumn I guarantee you it will.’

She smiled briefly hoping it would. She stepped out of the room walking away.

Autumn walked up to the smoking corner lighting a cigarette everyone turned the corner. ‘No Dan?’

‘No I was the first here.’

Con kissed her cheek sharing her cigarette.

‘Talk of the grump.’

‘Guys’ He looked at Connor and Autumn cutting his eyes lighting a cigarette. ‘So I guess nought changed you all still vexed at one another.’

‘He knows and she does too.’

‘Oh okay.’

His stare cutting through her like ice.

‘I’m sorry I have to go.’

‘Where you going Autumn?’

‘Im sorry Con I can’t deal with this.’ She turned running.


‘Go on go run to your hoe.’

He turned slamming Dan up the wall. ‘Don’t you ever call her that.’

‘Well she is isn’t she? You won’t let anyone else near her.’

‘And you can stop cutting those fucking eyes too or I’ll rip them out.’

He looked dead at Connor.

‘Come on guys we don’t need this over a girl again your friends.’

‘And he was digging on her.’

‘Any normal guy would Con. She’s a nice chick just lose him Con this ain’t going to solve anything.’

He loosed Daniel. ‘Stop being such a cock.’

‘I will when you will.’

The bell rang

‘Come on guys you can sort this another time.’


They all walked away.

Autumn and Daniel sat across the room from one another she felt so alone they’d only became friends a few weeks ago now he was ignoring her through something as little as how he and Connor felt about her. He stared over at her cutting his eyes.

The bell rang they all walked out of school. ‘Hey red!’ He shouted.

She turned. Her back hit the jagged wall. His eyes flared coldly into hers. ‘Next time you want to say something to me talk to me.’

‘How Dan? You won’t talk to me.’

‘And you know why that is.’

‘We were friends Dan, you shouldn’t let how you or Con fell about me stop that.’

‘Well he is.’

‘I’m sorry.’

‘Don’t be.’ He paused. ‘He’s changed since you’ve been here he wouldn’t’ve done this for anyone else red.’

‘I didn’t ask him to.’

‘He ain’t no sap and neither am I.’

‘I didn’t say you were.’

She looked at him his glare angry. ‘In future you stay the hell away.’


‘I mean it. Stay out of my face I don’t need you or Con acting like you do round me it makes me sick.’

She looked into his cold, hollow eyes she’s never felt so vulnerable around him before. So scared.

He pressed his lips on hers kissing her, he moved away tears fell off her face. ‘They don’t work either red goodbye.’

She’d gone.

His eyes so cold, so hollow. So angry.

The blade by her wrists. He placed his hand over hers. ‘Don’t Autumn what ever it was it’s not worth it.’

She looked up at him her eyes bloodshot.

He took the knife out of her hand closing it. ‘I best keep this.’ He said sliding it to his pocket sitting down. ‘So where did you get to Autumn? You were gone. I know I was a little late, but you could’ve waited.’

‘He was so angry.’

‘Who was.’


‘He made you run off and nearly slash yourself to pieces?’

‘He told me to stay our of his face Con.’

‘I’ll sort this.’

‘There’s no point Con. He’s already made his mind up I’m not worth being friends with.’

He placed his arm around her. ‘Yes you are, and if he can’t see that it’s his problem babe not yours.’

She looked at him she looked so lost. Maybe now he could understand why she never wanted friends. ‘We’re still all your friends babe minus one it’s up to him babe. If he wants to sulk about it let him he’ll get over it.’


‘I’m right babe.’ He pressed his lips on hers kissing her. She lay on his chest as they watched the sun go down.

9th October

Autumn had met Connor by the lake. He kissed her cheek. ‘Are you felling any better


‘I guess.’

‘Just ignore Dan okay he’ll come around eventually.’

‘I guess.’

‘Come on let’s get to school.’ He dropped his arm over her shoulders and walked away.

The bell rang as they walked in. They said their goodbyes after registration.

Autumn walked down the corridor alone, and out the double doors continuing down to the smoking area where she lit a cigarette. ‘There you are.’

She choked, looking at him. ‘Connor.’

‘So you been okay in lessons?’ He asked walking over to her taking the cigarette off her taking the last few drags, blowing it out, doubting it out with his foot.

‘As good as I’m ever going to be.’

‘It’ll get better babe once he’s out of his strop he’ll come round.’

‘And how long will that be Con? He wants nothing to do with me.’

‘I don’t know babe. Let it run he’ll come round.’

He edged closer. She stood nervously. ‘You have no need to be nervous babe. We’re friends aren’t we?’

‘I guess.’


He pressed his lips on hers kissing her, she foolishly returned his kiss, he slipped his tongue in kissing her harder and harder, tears slipped down her check. He moved away looking at her concerned. ‘What’s wrong?’

‘Nothing just this isn’t a good time Con.’


He wiped her tears away. ‘That’s better they hide your perfect face.’

‘Put her down Con.’


‘So no grouch.’

‘Not as yet no.’

They lit their cigarettes smoking till the bell went and they went into their last lesson before dinner.

Connor met Autumn for lunch. ‘Come on lets grab us a bite to eat. I’m starving.’

They walked trough the corridors to the dinner hall grabbing a jacket potato and beans with a juice.

‘Hey over here.’

Connor looked over Ashby calling him over to join them. ‘Come on Autumn.’

They walked over to the table where his friends were sitting placing their treys down, sitting next to one another. ‘So were not going to have any arguments this lunch?’

‘Depends if Dan joins us and gives us the dead’s.’

‘We ain’t seen him all day. I think he’s avoiding all of us especially you and Autumn. What’s going on Con he had a right face in him at the party. He was wrecked I’ve never seen him down so much.’

‘Just say we had a misunderstanding.’

‘We all wondered how long that would take.’

‘This has happened before?’

‘Yeah your not the first girl they’ve fought over or come to blows over. You were warned they both think alike weren’t we right.’

‘I guess.’

‘They have relatively the same taste in girls and they always end up in each other’s faces. It’ll all blow over Autumn. You’ll all be talking by the end of the week.’

They all ate their lunch going outside for a cigarette.

Connor and Autumn walked down the corridor. ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’

‘Its irrelevant babe me and Dan go back along way. We were best friends.’

‘Aren’t you now?’

‘Were not talking babe it will blow over girls come and go friends don’t.’

‘Like I haven’t heard that one before.’

‘Sorry I didn’t mean.’

‘What did you mean.’

‘Me and girls don’t seem to last, same as Dan they all think they’re too good for you . That was until you came along. You’re different babe you’re more like us than they were. You’re our friend babe. I just hope Dan comes round and realises what a good friend he’s lost.’

He kissed her softly on the cheek. ‘I’ll see you later okay.’


Autumn walked into her lesson wishing he was still with her.

Connor draped his arm over her shoulders and they walked away.

Autumn and Connor walked towards the bridge. ‘Look Autumn I’m sorry about everything with Dan okay. I’m trying it’s just he’s more stubborn than I am.’

‘Its okay.’

‘No its not. It’s my fault for being jealous and I’m sorry.’

She looked at him. ‘It’s okay Con.’

Their eyes connected. ‘I just wanted him to see how much you meant to me babe nothing else. I scared him away I’ll try and sort this mess out.’ He pressed his lips on hers kissing her. He moved away, she looked so lost, so confused. ‘I best be going.’ He said quickly ‘I’ll see you tomoz.’


He smiled turning, walking away she stood confused.