Dior meltdown
It was twelve o clock midnight. The night was still dark and foggy. Dior laid in her bed resting she had been sleep for about two hours. A tall figure lurked outside her house and watched all the houses and cars on her street. Making its way around her backyard dior's kitchen window was cracked open. Slightly making it in the body moved inside the house. Reaching the stairway it was no turning back.
Upstairs her bedroom door was cracked as she lay motionless on the bed unaware of the things around her. Walking up to the bed the tall figure stood over dior and looked down on her for five mintues. Dior made a little movement and suddenly felt out of breath. Awoke she noticed something covering her face all she saw was darkness as she tried to catch her breath.
Kicking and barely screaming she instansly passed out and made no movements at all. The figure moved fast and exited out the front door that was left wide open.