The next day, Leilyn is woken up by a loud and desperate yowl, instead of the usual morning gut wrenching nausea. She jumps up, wide awake and conscious. She looks at the analog clock on her bed side – which reads 9am (shit! She overslept) – before her eyes darts over to Chibi’s empty pillow.
“Ms. Leilyn!” Zoranne yells out a second later.
“Z, what’s the matter? Where’s Chibi?”
“They’re outside! They have been taken by aliens!”
“What?” Leilyn asks, removing her duvet from her body.
“Chibi – who was playing outside not long ago, so as not to disturb your much needed rest – was suddenly immobilized before being taken by some aliens.”
“Shit!” She jumps up. “Where are they?!”
“Not far from here. They’re currently heading to a space ship.”
Leilyn doesn’t ask any more questions. Instead, she throws aside a pillow and grabs the two weapons which lay there; Shadow, and a gun she calls Infernal, before proceeding out of the open balcony.