46: Alternate 003 & 004 - Chaos & War

Dimension 003 turns out to be still be in the 21st century. Due to more paper work, Samael didn’t show up for two days. When he showed up looking done and annoyed, Leilyn cackled at his misery. The Seraph just grunted at her and flicked a grape at her, getting her on the forehead.

Leilyn and Samael watch the scene below them in funny bemusement as the hat wearing idiots run amok and destroy everything in their wake. Both are in ripped jeans and simple shirts.

“Pray tell, why the fuck are they trying to kill themselves again?”


“Ahh.” Leilyn scoffs in disgust, her mouth curling into a disgusted sneer. “Pathetic.”

Samael reads from his screen how this Dimension is in a crisis. There’s a fucked up virus killing people up – and not in a fun way. This Alternate’s America is having issues with their inbred idiots.

By the cosmos, are people really that dumb to realize that they’re being fucking deceived? And add religion to the equation, shits will go to hell.