48(I): Alternate 005 - Renaissance

Alternate 005 turns out to be in the early years of the Renaissance period. They land in Rome, Italy, and Samael takes her to see this version’s Shakespeare – who is directing the crew for the upcoming play - and get his autograph on a parchment. At first he didn’t want to have an audience with them, but when Leilyn starts gushing about his works, he relents.

“How do you know about Hamlet?” Shakespeare asks, looking at Leilyn suspiciously. “The play hasn’t even be done yet.”

Leilyn faces palms internally. Shit. “I… ahh… I…” Leilyn stutters, sweating a little.

Samael heaves a silent sigh before coming to her rescue. “We have been watching the rehearsal for some days now. So we have been very attentive about the plot of the story.” Samael says with a cool voice.