49: Missions and Masks (II)

The Paladins all take cautious steps back – as they should. The energies whiffing from these new arrivals are massive.

The one with the gold full face mask – who’s clearly male with dark brown hair tied up in a messy man bun and wearing a tight fitting, black short sleeve shirt with grey shaolin pants and what seems to be Tai Chi shoes; and he also has fingerless gloves on, which has thick bangles holding the edges around his wrists – with a single dark green symbol on the left side of the cheek, and with his arms folded, making his muscles to bulge, gives out a dangerous magikal pattern. It is suffocating to all except Darcelle.

Three of the arrivals seem to be young, given their body masses. Each of them wore ninja like attires with hoodies on. They are all dressed in black, and the only thing differentiating them are the blank masks they wore, their heights and the color of the caps of their hoodies.