I really felt sorry for Ethan. Even though the beginning of the story was interesting, who thought the end would be like this.

Wait!!!! He explained Eleazar was shot to death. I was curious about whether there was a relationship of my nightmares and her death.

"Ethan, was the shot on her head???" I asked, recalling my nightmare.


"Was her wedding ring crafted as Zane and Ellie with a heart?" I questioned again since my curiosity hovered the best of me.

"Yeah, but how did you know these things?" Ethan was wondering.

"Because, that was the nightmare I had this morning Ethan," I replied. "And I saw that murderer's face also" .

"Then it is already proven yeah" he almost mumbled to himself.

"What are you talking about Ethan" I asked impatiently.

"Because, you are the reincarnation of Eleazar. I knew this would happen and I came to the earth as a child to grow up with you before two years from your birth." He began. "When I was only age 3, my dad came to the earth and gave me to your dad to look after me. Because he had cancer and it was in the 4th stage."

Ethan gabbed making my eyes wide.

"After a week my dad passed away. I never thought I could end up in your family, but I still remember the day you were born. I saw everything in your eyes, all the memories of me and you. Only difference is in this life both of us were not bonded by blood as previous life."

What???? Are you kidding me Ethan?

I didn't want to be shot to death. I was very young. Plus, I didn't want to marry a person I never loved.

I was already heartbroken because of Brian, my ex and I had no idea in entering into relationships.

"Don't you think I need time to think about these. Because, I want to have fun in my life. I don't think I'm Eleazar. And I am not a genius as her and not a sorceress, and look at me I'm a normal human as others." I continued further. "I think Ethan you got me wrong, maybe Eleazar's and mine appearance is the same. But it won't tell me I am her, alright?"

I stood up from the chair and walked to the door to get out, but suddenly Ethan's arm wrapped around my wrist tightly.

I tried to get his hand out looking at him since I had no mood to argue with these fantasies. My mind was fully a mess.

But what happened in the next moment was, he was thrown away against the wall like a storm hovered upon him.

I could not process what had happened, but seeing him on the floor, trying to get himself up.

I looked at my hand and there was a shiny blue dust glowing. It was like tinker dust in Tinker Belle's story I had watched when I was small. Suddenly it disappeared. I ran to Ethan to help him to get up.

"Are you hurt? I'm really sorry!!!! I d-don't know what h-happened actually" I cried with fear. "I'm not evil, trust me,"

"Hey Ellie, don't cry, I just guessed if I make you mad, this magic will come out. That's why I intentionally did like that..." he chuckled, shaking his head. "I hope at least now you can understand that you are sorceress"

I gave him an annoying look. How could he do that?

" yeah... uhm I don't know" I trembled to choose one.

I was still afraid of accepting the destiny which would not be a sweet one as I wished. At the same time, I liked to accept since it felt like I was powerful.

"Hey don't get stress silly, you will realize everything timely. Now get ready. Today we have a royal party. Because King Smith has organized a party for Prince Zane to hand over the kingdom," he informed me when on the way to our rooms. "Plus have to go to school for your registration. Because, you have another three-year time to study."

"Now it is already 3 o' clock. Party is at 5 in the evening. Get ready. I bought a dress for you. Hope you will like it. And your best friend is coming too"

I was blank.

"Who is that?" I asked.

"Patrick, he will be there around 4.45 so get ready." He stated, and walked away. I went to my room to get ready.

After having a shower, I wrapped the towel around me and left the bathroom. I curiously opened the box on the bed which was given by Ethan. I had no idea what kind of dress was there.

"Wow!!!!!!" I exclaimed seeing the dress which I really wanted to have.

It was a strapless black crop top which was tight to the curves of my body and a long dark red skirt. And there was a pair of black cover shoes too wrapped separately.

There was another small box which had white-gold jewelleries, long earrings with a thin necklace which had a tiny pendant, shape of infinity symbol.

I wore the dress and did my hair as it flowed down as a cascade. Then I pinned a little of my hair rolling both sides to the back. After that I applied light makeup. At last, wearing the jewelleries and shoes, I was done with getting ready. Then I went downstairs to check Ethan. I saw him as he was struggling to put the tie.

"Want help, big man?" I chuckled and went to help him.

"You are gorgeous Ellie" He complimented while I'm doing his tie. "Do you like the dress?"

"Thanks Ethan and yes I like this dress. I wanted to buy this kind of dress." I smiled. "But, how did you know this is my favourite type of dress?"

I questioned since I never had mentioned about dresses in front of him.

"This is Eleazar's favourite dress." He stated before reassuring. "You will remember everything timely, don't worry".

I nodded and finished his tie before making his collar and stuff. He had wore a black slim fit stretch tuxedo and his hair was combed neatly to the behind. He looked smart and handsome.

The doorbell was ringing, so I walked towards the door and opened revealing my best friend. I hugged him tightly without letting him tell anything.

Patrick was my best friend since I was only 6 years. He cared for me and was with me all the time. Because of him only, I was able to move on from my ex's memories.

"Hello nuts, let me breath Elle, you are going to kill me by not letting me breathe" I pulled myself away while both of us were giggling. He came into the house. "Hey bro!!!!"

Patt gave a friendly hug to my brother.

"Okay, let's leave now," Ethan stated.

Three of us went out and my brother locked the door. We got into Patt's car and I sat in the back seat as Ethan settled in the passenger seat.

Patt drove to the palace. The ride was not silent at all. Three of us had a little chit chat until we arrived at the palace. Patt explained that Ethan wants him to join us since I need a friend here.

Patt dropped both me and Ethan at the entrance and went to park the car.

The entrance had huge gates and were decorated with red and white fresh flowers. It was so beautiful.

I observed the surroundings. All the things were decorated with red and white flowers which is so eye-catching.

Once Patt joined us, Ethan walked first while both me and Patt followed after him.

We entered the palace. There were soldiers wearing armour standing on both sides with their swords. We walked under a well-decorated arch.

I noticed there were many people who had taken part in the event. Likely, the whole kingdom. After walking along a huge corridor, we reached a hall where there is a table with tall decorated chairs.

It looked like they were the royal family's seats since the design of those chairs has an antique design of dragons. The hall was filled with so many people.

Some of them came and greeted Ethan and they never forgot to give me a warm smile as I responded with a heartfelt smile.

After that everyone's attention was caught by the men who walked towards those decorated seats.

First a man walked in wearing a king type outfit with a gold crown on his head. He was young like late twenty and had a smart personality figure. Behind him another five boys came.

But my eyes fell on one of those five young guys. Not anyone else, but him.

Oh yes!!! That's him. The person who pretended as my husband in my dream.