"Hey darling, wake up" Arthur's voice made my eyes open slowly. It was dark, lights off. That means it is night still.

"What the hell? Why--" before I could tell more, he shut me up by his hand on my mouth.

"Listen, we should escape now. Zane has plans, no talking!!! Come soon" Before I could ask anything, he dragged me soon out of the room. He slowly dragged me through stairs being careful none of us won't be trembled down. However, once my eyes were adjusted to the dark, I felt now we are almost last step of the stairs.

Suddenly, lights turn on startling me. Are we captured? My heart beat was fast with fear.

"Happy 18th birthday Elle" Lucy appeared in front of me with a cake startling me again. Before, I fell behind Arthur caught me from my upper arms and whispered to my ear. "Surprise"

Still, I'm trying to process what is going on.

"You guys scare her every time" Jacob stated behind. "Hey just blow the candles and make a wish"