"Here, this is Fang Peak where my dad once mentioned my grand pa lives" Phelan circled the place in red on the map. We were at a cabin where there are records of werewolves in numerous cupboards. Four of us standing around the table which has a map on. "You have to go through the Dukes valley, if you guys have idea of walking through lands" He underlined another place.

"I've heard Dukes Valley" Jacob stated. "That's the place where Hagalbar lives"

My eyes widened to his statement. Hagalbar is the only dragon left alive in Neverland those days. I still remember that huge brown dragon helped Ethan and me in our problems. He was like a brother to Ethan.

"Hagalbar is still alive?" I gasped.

"Yes I think, but he's now old" Phelan replied.

"You know him?" Arthur questioned. I nodded.

"So, back to the point if you want to go to the Dukes Valley, you have to pass Tallard's Bridge" Phelan added.