

Dove and I had been dating for three years before making the decision to move in together - I don't exactly know what prompted this sudden urge to be closer to one another, but both of us felt it. In the beginning ...

She and I grew up beside each other, and us becoming a couple as soon as we both considered we were old enough to become romantically involved was pretty much inevitable. Dove and I did everything together since childhood; my parents would always bring her along on our camping and lake trips, and we became family long before we knew what any of this meant to us. Her parents - I was there for her, I really was. She needed someone to take care of her after having been left so vulnerable, and slowly but surely I fell in love with my best friend. The night we sat on the call for hours giggling and submitting to the crazy idea that we needed to live together was magical - and frankly, it changed our whole lives. It turned us into different people and... it turned us against each other.