Fantasies and realities.
For me, those tended to blur - I would find myself on cloud nine with him for a few hours, only to come crashing back down with the other.
It was bittersweet, really - the time I got with him, but it wasn't affecting my growing thought that this was becoming more than just a fun little game.
Six days.
Six days, I spent with him - and those were enough to last me a lifetime, to erase all other memories I had and replace them with new, magical ones.
But it didn't start off as magical as I had just made it out to be.
In fact, the first four days I was in denial, and more confused than ever.
Day two was when I had decided that I couldn't be on house arrest anymore, and more so mope around in Theo's clothing. He had tried to convince me to let him take me shopping instead - he knew that my idea of solving this slight issue wasn't a good one, and I absolutely agreed.
But I had to go back.