Chapter 12

"It's already a little sweet but if you want I could add some sugar." I say and place his cup on the saucer.

"No, it'll be alright.” He replies, reaching for the teacup, "Thank you." He says and his eyes stare me down with the same intensity as always.

If it were possible for humans to spontaneously liquify I'd already be a puddle on the floor. Much like his friends he makes the kitchen look smaller than it is and he looks a little odd when his tattooed fingers brings the teacup to his lips. His eyes hold me in place as he takes a sip and I squeeze my thighs together to numb the ache that appears.

"It's good." He rasps, still staring me down.

"Th-thanks." I try to focus my eyes on my cup and lift the dangling string.

"How'd the party go last night?" He demands my attention again.

"Uh it was good... people came and you know... they left after so yeah..." I'd slap myself if he wasn't in the room.

Really Sunniva? Really?

"Well them leaving is always the best part." His smile puts me at ease.

"Yeah..." Is all I say.

We exchange a few glances as we drink and by the time I put my cup down I'm convinced my entire body is on fire. I've never met anyone like Leo. He's the human equivalent of sin and I feel like he's testing me. I will fail and willingly so.

"What're you thinking about Sunniva?" His voice is molten chocolate. I might pass out.

My legs have gone numb from squeezing them together and my mouth is suddenly sewn shut.

"Sunny?" He's smirking as he gets up from the stool and moves around the counter like a predator.

"N-nothing" I blurt and move to the back as he gets closer.

Is he going to eat me? God, I hope so.

He's movements are slow and precise. When I take a step back he takes one forward until my back is pressed against the curve of the counter. He's leaning over me and he looks so gorgeous from down here.

"You sure?" He asks and rests his hands on the the counter. On either side of me.

He could murder me if he's going to look so hot while doing it.

"Sunniva?" He presses when I don't answer again. How could I possibly force my brain to function right now?

He lifts his hand to my face and his thumb caresses my bottom lip. I take in a sharp breath at the feel of his skin on mine.

"Speak, Sunny." His whisper fills the small space between us.

Without a thought I reach my hand behind his head and pull his lips to mine. My mind and underwear explodes into a million pieces when he kisses me back. His hand reaches for the back of my neck as he deepens the kiss and I gladly open my mouth when his tongue strums my bottom lip.

In a second his hand on my neck reaches my back and his other grips my thigh as he lifts me to sit on the counter. I yelp in shock and I hear him chuckle as he dips his head to kiss my neck.

I'm pulsing between my legs so hard I'm afraid he's going to hear it. To my utter delight he squeezes my thigh and pulls me towards the edge to feel the hardness in his shorts.

I grind against him to soothe my ache and he groans loudly and nips at my neck. No one has ever turned me on this way before.

My fingers run through his soft hair and when I pull at the ends he rewards me with another beautiful groan and I ground myself harder against him.

I moan breathlessly at the feeling and in a split second his hand on my back is wrapped around my neck. The feeling has me tightening my legs around his waist.

"Su-Sunniva we shouldn't." He exhales but his lips are so close that on instinct I reach forward until his hand pushes me back.

"No." He grunts.

I look up at his desperate eyes in shock and he moves his hand to the back of my neck, "I'm sorry." He sighs, strumming my face and I lay my head in his palm, "I shouldn't have done that."


His words bring me back to reality and before I can protest he pulls away from me completely. I look up at his back facing me, inches away I could easily reach over but he turns around as if dismissing my thoughts and looks at me with a face devoid of emotion.

It's as if I drew it from memory. It's so eerie.

"I..." He begins and I lean forward with my palms on the counter, literally on the edge of my seat.

He doesn't finish and instead rushes out the kitchen so fast you'd think the ghost that the old man in 12B told us about is true.

Against my better judgment I follow behind him, "Wait." My mouth speaks without permission from my brain but luckily it works and he whirls around, nearly knocking me over.

He's staring me down with and his eyes show a hint of emotion I can't place until it's corrected.

"Sunniva, I shouldn't have... I-"

"You're doing this again?" I'm surprised by my words and annoyed with the lump in my throat.

"Did you plan this or something? To humiliate me?" It's barely a whisper but I know he heard me.

"What? No, I... Sunniva I didn't mean to do this. Any of it. Not back then and not... goddamnit not now either. I just..." He rambles but looks away, "I should go."

He turns and leaves, closing the door behind him and I'm alone.

I can't believe that just happened. Why in the world did I kiss him! How could I be so thoughtless! Lucy talked me through her 'boss bitch agenda' which included me basically ignoring him in an effort to gain back my 'power' but here I am, alone in my living room powerless and a very sad.

Once again I'm the seventeen year old girl who Leo chased away from his home for being too needy. I tried so hard to create a new identity at college but who am I kidding? I'm still the less interesting twin who isn't going to ever be exciting enough to befriend or get invited to a birthday party.

Do we ever stop being ten years old?

I see my reflection in the mirror on my way to my bedroom and I stop to take in my teary eyes and red nose.

"Stop crying Sunny. It's okay he can't hurt you." Neoma's little voice says as she hugs me tight and pats my back.

"I don't want you to get in trouble, Moona." I sob.

I lie and told Lucy I was tired when she lectured me about skipping dinner but luckily she bought it and left me to my pity party last night.

The party went on too late because puffy eyes greet me when I see my reflection in the bathroom mirror. In a desperate attempt I hold the end of my toothbrush over my slightly swollen eyes and to my complete surprise they deflate a little.

I grab a banana and wrap the sandwich I made to put in my bag for today. I'm practically home free until Lucy skips into the kitchen.

"Day 1 was unbelievable last night. You’ll never guess who-" She stops and pulls me by my arms towards her, "What's wrong Sunsun?" I smile at the nickname. I always do because it's the same one my gran gave me.

"Nothing I jus-"

"It's that asshole, isn't it? What happened? Did he hurt you?" She shoots her questions all at the same time and I struggle to pick one.

"It's nothing Luc-"

"Nothing? You looked like you've been watching Mufasa fall to his death on a loop." She rolls her eyes and lifts her hand to my cheek.

"What happened babe?" Her worried eyes make me feel guilty and I take her hand from my face and hold it between mine.

"I've gotta go but we’ll talk later, I swear." I peck her hand and hurry out the door.

I check the time on my phone when I turn off my engine in the schools parking lot.

I hurry up the steps and smooth out my dress that I basically jumped into this morning. I overslept a little bit and it's already messing with my day from the creases in my dress to the woman who flipped me off in traffic earlier.

I take a deep breath before opening the door to Mr Smith's classroom. He politely offered his class for my extra credit lessons since I was a little nervous about asking the other teachers.

"Jessy B said that?"

"Stop writing on the board, Simon!"

"I cannot believe that bitch is talking about me."

"Don't tell me what to do dickface!”

A loud rumble of voices greet me when I enter the classroom. I remember sixth grade and it almost seems as if it hasn't changed at all.

"Simon return to your seat please." I ask the curly haired boy that's made the whiteboard his new art piece.

"He wouldn't listen when I asked him Miss..."

"Wallace, I'm Miss Wallace and I'm giving you guys extra credit lessons for the semester." I introduce myself with a smile but it's only the blonde boy who smiles back.

"I'm Roger. I'm taking extra credit classes because it'll help my chances of entering the Dolton High quiz team." The blonde boy speaks with confidence.

"You're only in sixth grade Roger." My mouth exposes my internal thoughts.

"I know." He smiles despite my confusion and I turn to look at three giggling pupils a few desks away.

"Regina is so weird." The girl with red frames speaks loudly enough for the whole class to hear. Her two friends cover their mouths as they giggle.

"You can't call him that anymore, Tiffany!" Simon yells loudly as he glares at the girl who rolls her eyes at him.

I'm lost until I see Roger fidgeting with his blazer and holding back tears.

"Excuse me... all three of you can politely make your way to Miss Yemi's classroom because she's hosting detention this Saturday." I say to the kids as they stare up at me in shock. The boy scowls while the redhead girl glares at Tiffany who I'm guessing is the leader of this little pack.

"But Miss Wallace I didn't d-" The boy stops as I lift up my hand.

"I am very sorry but I will not tolerate any bullying in this class and you three will no longer be attending Saturday classes. You’ve now been moved to Friday afternoon sessions with Mrs Maple." I smile proudly at my assertiveness but the kids look more upset than before.

Tiffany pulls her bag from under her desk and makes a show of exiting the class as her friend follows behind her. The redhead schleps her bag on her back and looks to Roger with a sullen face before she closes the door behind her.

Roger however looks mighty uncomfortable in his seat and I feel bad that I did all of this in front of him. Minus points for Miss Wallace.

I note a hunched figure in the back of the class and stare up at the boy who's obviously hiding from something.

"You in the back." I call out and when he lifts his face he looks up at me panicked.

"Your name?"

"Oliver." I have to read his lips because his voice was so low it barely leaves his mouth.

I nod in response thinking I probably won't get anything of the shy boy today.

There's only four kids left in the class and I stop the lesson earlier than scheduled because I'd rather teach to the entire class next Saturday than teach to a small percentage today.

"I'm sorry guys but at least you have a leg up on the other students." I apologize more to Roger than the rest because he might be more invested in this extra credit lessons than me.

"Don't sweat it Miss Wallace I get to enjoy the rest of my day now." Simon winks at me as he exits behind a sulking Roger.

"This class ends at 11pm, Simon."

"Yeah but Saturdays start at 7 in the morning, Miss." He informs me and lifts his skateboard to take off.

Natalia waves at me as she leaves and I shove my file in my bag and swing it over my shoulder on my way out the door.

"Are you okay Miss Wallace?" A voice says from behind me.

I turn to see Oliver and note that he's very pale and his nose and eyes are pink.

"Are you okay Oliver?" I question the boy who has the demeanor of Eeyore.

"Don't let boys make you cry Miss Wallace." He murmurs as he leaves me alone in the classroom.

Yeah, sixth grade has definitely not changed a bit.