Chapter 27

Marc curses at me as he grips the bag. It flies out of his hands again when I plant another blow to it.

"Fucks sakes, Leo." He growls and I block the bag he shoves in my direction, "What's up you?"

"You're the trainer aren't you supposed to be able to handle holding up a fucking bag." I scoff.

"Man, shut the fuck up." He smacks his lips and walks over to the bench, "What you need to do is get laid because clearly you're bringing all that pent up frustration in here."

I ignore him as I rip the tape from my knuckles.

Eddie's silence as he walks into our section gets the attention of both Marc and I and we glance at each other suspiciously.

"You talk to Luther?" Eddie ask dropping his bag on the bench.

"Not yet."

"Why?" Marc asks.

"Because I think I saw the guy that might've stopped by at the shop." He explains and looks at me intently, "Sunny was there too but the kid was scared shitless when he saw her I'm guessing he thought she was Knives." His words makes my stomach drop.


"Nothing happened. The asshole drove over a red light and Sunny bumped into his bike but it was barely anything and he was pissed but Derek was with her before I got there." Eddie holds his hands up as he continues.

Sunny got into a crash? What the fuck was she doing this side of town? Who the fuck is Derek?

"Did you see which way he went?" Marc asks.

Eddie shakes his head, "He just took off and I doubt he'd go back. He was fucking shaking when he saw Sunny."

I hardly get hold of all my things as I walk away. Marc and Eddie voices are heard through the gym until I close the door. I'm guessing they know where I'm headed if neither one of them followed behind.

My foot won't keep fucking still as I wait for the light to turn green.

Fuck she probably doesn't even want to see me after this morning but I couldn't give a shit. I need to see that she's okay for myself despite Eddie's confirmation.

I'm speeding but it gets me to her apartment in under five minutes. I don't even bother with the constantly slow elevator and take the stairs instead. I barely feel the strain of my muscles, running on adrenaline alone.

As per fucking usual their door's unlocked and it adds an element of irritation to my already panicked state.

Her friend exits from the kitchen and looks at me in alarm.

"No. No. No." She says, moving to stand in my way but I move around her and walk towards Sunniva's room, "You are not allowed here, asshole. She's had a stressful day." She gripes, following behind me.

I open her bedroom door to find her sitting on her bed typing away on her phone.

"Leo?" She looks up at me in shock and gets up from her bed.

I'm at her side in a second and my eyes scan her meticulously.

My hands cradle her face between them, "Are you okay?" The panic in my voice sounds foreign to me.

"I tried to get him to leave." Lucy speaks up.

Sunny removes a hand from her face and holds it at her side, "It's okay Luce, I'm okay." She assures her friend.

I don't look away from Sunny, I can't and I hear Lucy's retreating steps and the door shut behind me.

"Leo, what's going on? Are you ok-"

"I heard about what happened." Is all I say.

"Oh Edwardo told you? It was nothing I swear." She smiles up at me softly and rubs her face into my palm.

I bend down to place a kiss on her lips. It's more for me than her honestly. I finally release all the emotion in my body as my tongue strums along her lips and she opens her mouth allowing me entrance.

I pull her at the back of her thighs and lift her onto my waist. She moans when placing her arms around my neck and I walk us towards her tiny bed. She holds on tighter when I sit us down.

I caress her cheek while my other arm holds her around the waist. Her small hands run through my hair making me groan into her mouth.

I take in her smell, her weight on my lap, her soft skin, everything. It's not until after the emotion leaves me that I realize how afraid I was that something happened to her.

She needs to get the fuck out of this town but I'm not entirely sure I want to see that happen.

I hold her lip between my teeth when I break the kiss and she breathes heavily against me, her hips moving into mine. I hold her hips to stop her movement and she mewls in protest.

Her eyes are as bright as always, piercing into mine. Waiting for something.

"I thought you were mad at me." She whispers.

I'm an asshole.

"No." I shake my head, wrapping both arms around her to bring her closer.

"I wasn't mad at you someone just pissed me off before I got here and I took it out on you. It won't happen again" I promise.

This morning as they were leaving my mouth, the words made my throat feel like I downed three shots of pure acid.


"Why were you that far downtown?" I question, getting agitated as I do.

"I had to run an errand for the Vice Principal." She explains, circling her arms around my neck.

"I thought you were a student teacher?"

"I am." She frowns.

"Then why are you running errands like an assistant?" Her fingers run over my lips as I speak minimizing my irritation.

"I don't know. He does it to Ella and I all the time, Derek doesn't like it either." She shrugs.

"Who's Derek?"

"I spoke about Derek before, the PE teacher in our lunch group." She lifts a brow.

Of course how could I forget the lunch group that includes that dick who's has a thing for Sunny.

I don't respond and instead enjoy the feel of her tracing my face. She looks so focused until she gets to my forehead and her sad eyes catch mine.

"Why do you train so much?"

Fuck. No way am I telling her about the ring. She wouldn't be able to handle the idea if this is her reaction to me just 'sparring at gym'.

"I wanna live a long and healthy life." I say and nip at her finger when it strums over my lips again.

She laughs and pulls her hand to her chest, "This coming from the guy who had beer for dinner last week?" She comments, rolling her eyes playfully.

"Breakfast of champions." I shrug.

Her laughter fills the room and my chest and I pull her face closer to me and place a chaste kiss on her lips. I'm about to deepen the kiss until I hear gurgling noises.

She looks up at me in shock and then shuts her eyes obviously embarrassed.

"You hungry?" I tease.

She shakes her head.

"You sure?"

She nods, this time opening her brown eyes and smiling sheepishly.

"I'll fix you up something to eat."

"You cook?" She frowns, bewildered.

"Don't look so surprised, Sunny." I pinch at her side.

She smacks my hand and I do it again making her laugh and then press her soft lips against mine.

"You know what I really want?" She asks, making me stiffen instantly.

"What?" I grip her hips.

"A milkshake from that place we got ice-cream." She smiles, pecking my lips and getting up quickly.

I'm left in shock and a semi, looking up at her walking towards her closet.

Sunniva will definitely be the death of me.

I watch her slip on a pair of jeans and I have to look away when she takes off the oversized T-shirt she's in to change into something else. There's no way we're going anywhere if I keep watching this show.

To my absolute misfortune she's decided to not wear a bra with one of her many blue cardigans. I remember this one specifically because of the white stitching and I'm guessing it must be a favorite because she's had it since High School, before she had breasts.

The buttons are straining against the size of her tits and I'm trying my very best not to be distracted by it.

"C'mon." She says, bending to slip on her shoes.

"Fuck." I grunt, adjusting myself in my jeans.

She looks up at me questioningly and I get up from her bed and walk out before her. She's the most sinful being I've ever encountered and she's completely oblivious to it.

When we exit the elevator I pull Sunny under my arm when I see a few guys making their way into the building.

"Hi Austin." She waves at the tallest one of the group and he's about to greet her back until his eyes catch mine and him and his friends cower past us.

"Ouch." Sunny pouts.

"Probably didn't hear you."

As we sit in the car I notice how often we're in silence when we're together, either looking at each other or me watching her doing things. It's a comforting feeling knowing I can just be peaceful with Sunniva.

"Any plans tonight?" She asks.


"But it's Friday."

"And it was Friday last week too, Sunniva." I comment and feel her flicking me on my arm.

"I know that." She chirps.

"And your point is..."

"Don't tease," She giggles, flicking my arm again and this time I grab her hand and interlock our fingers, "You, Edwardo and Marc seem to always be enjoying your youth, that's why I'm asking."

"Eddie." I correct her.

"Yes, I'm talking about Edwardo."

"His name is Eddie."

"I know." She shrugs then gets distracted by the light up food menu in the drive-thru.

"You gotta have the ice-cream this time." She says, scanning the options.

I shake my head then realize she's not looking my way, "I'm good." I say.

"Okay well you can sips of my milkshake if you want." She offers with a small smile.

I try not to look at her chest when she lifts up in her seat to remove a credit card from her back pocket.

"You sure you're not hungry?" She asks again, completely unaware that I am in fact starving but for something else entirely.

The blonde at the window hands Sunny her milkshake and a card machine before gazing at me. Her eyes go wide and then a small smirk spreads on her face. I pray Sunny finishes quickly as I avoid this woman's fluttering eyes.

"You were so amazing last night." The woman speaks and I watch Sunny look up at her in surprise, "I can't wait to go again."

Sunny looks up at me looking completely lost but I don't let my emotions sway me into telling her the truth.

I take the card machine from Sunniva and hand it to the woman in the window trying to end this entire encounter. Her fingers unnecessarily graze against mine, causing me to me drop the machine and the second I do I put my foot on the gas.

I look over at Sunny and see a frown on her pretty face.

We're quiet for the remainder of the ride but it's different this time. I can see the wheels turning in her head and it doesn't take a genius to figure out what she's thinking.

I can't tell her the truth but I definitely don't want her to be thinking what she is right now.

As we enter the apartment lot my phone vibrates inside of my pocket and I pull it out to check

Your brother sent guys here looking for you.

It's from Marc. They're still at the gym I'm guessing.

I pull into an open spot and I feel her eyes on me.

"I doubt your friend will let me up again." I say breaking the silence.

She shakes her head, "Don't worry about Lucy."

"It's okay. I have to take care of something at the gym anyway so I'll see you later." She frowns, looking at my hand and it's probably because I haven't turned the key yet.

"Is it far away? I could come." She bites her lip after the words leave mouth.

I reach out to caress her face and she leans into my palm. I realize that I'm always touching her in some way.

"It's in central." I say.

"Okay b-"

"No. Do you want a repeat of today?" I sound like a dick but I'm not budging on this one. Lan already sent people to search for me and it's looking for trouble even being out with her right now because if they find her with me...

I shake my head.

She pulls my hand from her face to hold it in hers. Her hands are cold because of the milkshake I'm guessing.

"It was an accident." She pouts.

"I know." I lean over to place a kiss on her forehead.

"Not too late this time. If it's such a bad place I'm sure it's worse at night." She whispers, pecking my lips before letting me go.

"Nobody's trying to hurt me, Sunny." I assure her.

She rolls her eyes. "Of course not." She giggles, "Because I'm Leo Woo and if there's anything to be afraid of in the dark... it's me." Her lips are pursed as she deepens her voice.

I sit in shock not being able to form any words as her laughter fills the car.

"What was that?"

"Your bad boy monologue." She shrugs.

"Oh you're so funny, aren't you Sunniva?" I say, leaning over in her seat again with my hand on the headrest and the other one on the dash caging her in.

"I am." She smirks kissing me softly, "And you're not as scary as you think." She smiles against my lips.

"I like that you believe that." I say honestly.

Her hand wraps around my neck to pull me down to her again. Before I can deepen the kiss she pulls back and looks up at me with an emotion in her big brown eyes I can't decipher.

"Not too late." She whispers before opening the door and hopping out.

I nod at her as she closes the door and I watch her enter the building before taking off.