Chapter 6

The next day Chan seong went to Hotel Del Luna to meet with miss Jang but unfortunately for him as he entered Hotel Del Luna he met a woman ghost whose head was twisted sideways with flies surrounding her head.

As he got to the receptionist office he cleared his throat a ghost appeared which almost gave him heart attack. The ghost asked Chan seong what he was doing there that he was not meant to be there. Ku Chan seong showed him the Invitation letter and the ghost quickly introduced himself as Jang mi and quickly husered Chan seong into the elevator after dealing with the two disfigured ghosts 👻. Jang mi made Chan seong very uncomfortable in the elevator by continuously dusting his clothes.

After a long while,for which seemed to be an eternity they got off from the elevator and Jang mi took Chan seong to Miss jang's office and left smiling to himself. After wandering around the office an old man came and told him that miss Jang asked him to come get him. Chan seong quietly followed him behind his back. As they were walking Chan seong tapped the old man at his back which made the old man smile and turn around to face Chan seong and told him that he was also Human and that he is the old manager that he(Chan seong*) is going to replace which made Chan seong feel relief that he is not the only human in the hotel for now.