Ch. 14: "WHISPERS"





"These are the words that are always being whispered to my consciousness, and whenever I would close my eyes a world about to meet its end would appear right in front of me.

Ever since we learned the truth about the dome and about the current events that are happening, the voices got louder, but this time it was not ordered to massacre but rather it was voices of humans begging to be spared.

Each day it got louder and louder until that thing appeared before our eyes, a black creature with large horns its appearance was so majestic yet all those around me shivered in fear, and as I thought that it would never become more beautiful, it then grew ginormous black wings.

The moment it spoke I only heard a language very much nostalgic yet unrecognizable, but for some reason, everyone seems to understand what it said, but for me, it was just so beautiful, it has almost been a year since that event, but I tend to wonder where has that thing gone to.

After about five months an expedition was made, selected humans were sent to find that beautiful creature, yet humans never understood one thing about that creature, it never left it's still here up in the sky watching on every move the humans are doing"

Reid was lost in his thoughts, his world was silent, and he was no longer hearing the screams of the demons that were being slain or the shot that kept firing to those things.

He just stood there at the edge of the wall with one of his feet stepping on nothing and his eyes closed, his hands were waving as if he was a conductor to an orchestra that was playing the notes meant for war. But he suddenly stopped, he took a large step backward, he sat down before opening his eyes and glaring at the horizon.

"Are you waiting for your brother?" Chase asked who was unable to see Rei's actions before he sat down.

"The Professor asked me to get you back inside, she said you disappeared and was unable to be seen by the cameras" Chase said while sitting down beside Rei.

"Do you know who started this war?" Rei asked with an emotionless face.

"The demons obviously, those things took everything our ancestors had, they are cruel creatures that have been wreaking havoc on earth for a very long time"

"But was it really them who attacked first? Where they really at fault? If they are then how did they exist? Wasn't it humans who have been experimenting on everything, from the smallest atoms to the largest animals, it was humans who have tainted the beauty of this world, is it really true that demons are the ones responsible for this war?" Rei asked before standing up and walking away from Chase.

"One more thing... if you stay there for too long you won't be able to see them arrive" Rei continued as his voice turned softer and weaker as he walked further away from Chase and towards the way to the laboratory.

Chase stood up and looked at the sky, his hand trying to reach the moon; he then looked at the path Rei took. He stared at it imagining each step he has to take just to follow Rei.

He turned around and walked the opposite path to the laboratory.

Rei had just arrived in front of an entrance to an experiment room, for the past 5 months he has been helping the professor to find a star that he would be able to use since for some unknown reason he has been surviving Star trials, wherein he would be experimented by implanting one star over and over again for a whole day.

"Sigh... this again? I may be somewhat special but I don't know why they're so persistent on finding a Star for me" Rei knocked on the door but no one opened it, he knocked again and a few more times, but no one answered nor opened the door.

"Rei, no one is in there" A voice called him out.

"Eh? Chase told me to meet with you, so I thought that I was about to go to another star trial" He replied.

"Ah, I see, none of the stars we have here made any signs of compatibility with you so I think a Star from the capital would work. Plus the reason that I called you was to check on your squadmate, she hasn't left the room for two days after I told her he'd wake up soon, so please check on her, alright" Misty said before walking past Rei.

"Ah, so I didn't need to undergo that useless trial" Rei then walked towards the room where Commander Rylee is staying. He saw the serving cart that he pushed there with the food missing; he placed his ear on the door.

"There's more coming since this would be your first meal after waking up" A female voice spoke.

"More? You know that there's nothing more for today" Rei listened for a while, but all he heard was the sound of the a/c inside the room.

He slowly opened the door and entered the room, and at the very moment, his eyes met with the Commander.

"YOU DEVIL!!" the commander screamed.

"Huh? I came to check on you commander, have you lost your sanity?" Rei asked.

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE! YOU FUCKING DEVIL!!" Rylee continued to scream and curse Rei calling him a devil again and again.

Rei stood at the entrance staring at the eyes of the commander, but even with the commander screaming and cursing him, his mouth slowly changed to a smirk.

"Rei please go out a bit! It might not be the right time for him to meet others" Cecelia said, but Rei's eyes didn't move an inch nor did his body, he just stared at the commander with his small smirk turning into a smile.

"Rei Are you listening??" Cecelia stood from her chair and went over in front of Rei.

"Rei get out of the room please!" She said, but his face looked unfazed and his smile was slowly turning into a sinister one.

"Rei? Rei?" she said once again, but this time she was waving her hand in front of his face, once again Rei did not even take a glance at her.

She then got irritated with Rei's weird act, she tried her best but she had enough, enough from the shouting, and enough from Rei's sinister smile, she raised her hand and slapped Rei on the right check so hard that her hand was imprinted on his face.

"Get out of the room! Rei! Please!" she begged, this time it seemed that she finally got through him as his smile disappeared, Rei walked away from the room while pushing the serving cart that he had brought.

Rei was walking through the halls on the way to the cafeteria pushing a cart with nothing on it.

"Devil? That was the first thing you'd say to your subordinate who was going to check on you... sigh... but why? Why does it feel perfect? Why do I feel happy hearing those words? Why

Did I smile back then? Those words why? Why did it sound nostalgic...?"

He was staring at the serving cart that he was pushing not realizing he was about to hit someone.

"You dolt, what the hell are you doing? Learn to look at where you're going when pushing something like that you moron" A voice called him out.

"Ha? If you saw me coming then you should've just avoided me you fu..." Rei realized who he had just hit; the person who was standing in front of him, the person who was obstructing his path was...

"NII-SAN!!!" He yelled with joy, he immediately rushed towards his brother who he has not seen for the past five months.

"Don't hug me you idiot" Ken said while his arm extended holding Rei by the face stopping him from coming closer to him.

"But why? Do you hate me now Nii-san?" Rei said with teary eyes.

"No I don't moron" Ken released his hold on his brother's face.

"You suddenly leave me for five months and when you get back you won't even allow me to hug you? What kind of brother are you hmph!!" Rei sat on the floor and pouted in front of his brother.

"You're not a fucking child Rei!" Ken yelled at him before knuckle blowing Rei's head.

"Oi that hurts you motherfu-"Rei was cut short of his words when a voice called them out.

"You two, the professor called for a meeting please go to the central right now" A man wearing a staff uniform yelled at them.

"I forgot about that, bring that thing to where you're supposed to bring it, then go to the central I'll meet you at the central later" Ken ordered before leaving his brother sitting like a child on the floor.

"Sigh... that guy, leaving without telling me then comes back not even allowing me to hug him, I swear if we had parents I wouldn't even bother talking to him" Rei murmured to himself as he stood up and pushed the service cart back to the cafeteria.

On his way back only a few steps away from the cafeteria Rei began smelling a foul odor coming from the cafeteria. He ignored it thinking that it must have been some failed food experiment, but as he got closer and closer the smell became more disturbing and the moment he faced the entrance of the entrance to the cafeteria he realized why the smell was so foul.

Two dead bodies appeared before him, one was a female worker who had her intestines disemboweled and the other one was the sous-chef who had part of his head and both legs mutilated.

"What the fuck happened!" Rei said.

He entered the cafeteria and saw a trail of blood near the bodies, he cautiously followed it thinking that the person responsible for this was still around; as he walked slowly he arrived at the doors to the kitchen.

He opened it slightly and peeked, there he saw a human-like figure eating pulling out the intestines of the kitchens executive chef, the figure had one of its arm twisted to the point that the bones on its elbow can be seen, its right leg was so skinny that bones can almost see, its hair looked like it was ripped apart as only a few long strands existed, it was also nude and that its genitals were so loose that you can see its veins trying to hold it, its skin was also corroding.

Rei closed the door and took a few steps backward.

"What the fuck was that thing? Why was it eating people? Is that a demon? That can't be!" his brain was getting messed up by thinking about what he just saw.

He sat on a chair while trying to remember the things he had watched when they were inside the dome, and after a few minutes, he suddenly remembered a name from a show he had watched before.

"That must be a zombie!" he said.

"Wow! Aren't you a smart kid" A voice spoke to him.

Rei suddenly felt a hand touch his right shoulder, he immediately grabbed it and tried to pull it closer to him and toss it to the table in front of him, but to his surprise, he was unable to, the only thing that he did was pull that person closer to him.

He grabbed the hand tightly and pulled it once more but this time he felt something soft hit his back and he could feel a breathing sensation on his nape.

"You're quite rough for a child" A womanly voice whispered to his ear.

Slowly Rei turned his head and saw a woman's face only a few inches away from him, he immediately released the arm he grabbed and faced his legs, but the arm did not move and another arm was placed on his left shoulder, he could still feel her breath on his nape.

"Who is this woman??? Why is she pressing her breasts on my back? Why is she even here? Does she know about the zombie in the kitchen? I don't know what to think right now ahshbksfavfasFdfas" Rei's thoughts were going into a spiral not knowing the reason there was a woman behind him.

"U-ohm... t-there's a-a zo-zo-zombie in the ki-kitchen," Rei said his voice was trembling in confusion and his face was beet red.

"So you saw it, kid?" The woman said.

She immediately walked back, giving Rei some space, she then walked past her and was about to walk to the kitchen door.

Rei wanted to stop her, but his body was frozen from that heavenly like experience, and could still feel the soft sensation on his back, he was about to speak when the kitchen doors suddenly flung open and the figure emerged from inside the kitchen and started screaming.

To Rei's surprise the woman stood there unfazed, and without hesitation, the woman immediately charged the creature pushing it back inside the kitchen, Rei watched as a gruesome event happened inside the kitchen, he watched as slowly the doors began closing.

Screams were heard from outside even though the doors were closed.

"Who was that woman? I haven't seen anyone in this place with red-colored hair, I hope she can defeat that thing" Rei was concerned when after a few minutes the screaming stopped but the person inside did not come out.

Rei walked closer to the door and was about to open it when suddenly opened, Rei immediately pulled back his arm, and at the same time the woman earlier came out of the kitchen, her clothes were covered in black liquid.

"What are you doing kid?" the woman asked.

"I was about to check on you, but it seems like I don't need to" Rei said in a slightly nervous tone.

The women walked past him, Rei peeked through the door and saw black liquid all around the kitchen, there was no sign of the creature or the executive chef. Rei took a hard swallow before turning around.

"Hah?! What are you doing??" Rei asked.

"Huh? What do you think? My clothes got dirty so I needed to change" The woman answered.

"But I'm here, you should have done that in the bathroom or something" Rei said.

"Well, I would've done that, but well you're a kid, and no kid would get turned on by an old woman like me" The woman replied.

Rei stared at the woman's body as she wore her clothes.

"I must not be a pervert! I must not be a pervert!" Rei then realized something as the woman was changing clothes.

"Those stripes, are you also a commander?" Rei asked.

"Oh, so you noticed" She replied.

After the woman had finally finished changing clothes, Rei did not move an inch from his place, the woman stared into Rei's eyes.

"My name is...."

[Chapter End]