Ch. 17: "SQUADRON I pt. 2"

"What the heck are they doing? Why am I locked here! There's zombies outside and my arm is still numb what should I do!! Nii-san please, save me! I need you right now Nii-san!!"

The vehicle was now being surrounded by zombies, despite it being armored Rei was still scared to that he curled up in his seat not moving an inch. The zombies continued to speak to him asking him to end their life, but he was unable to, he was scared to his bone.


Tears began to rain down from his eyes; he was once again left all alone surrounded by monsters. And again it appeared before him. A black figure with blank white eyes, yet this time it seemed to have a mouth, it also seemed to have a humanoid figure that resembled him.

"Are you really this weak?" It asked Rei.

Rei stood in a void facing the black figure while half of his face was slowly being devoured by a black color while his eyes faded to white similar to the being in front of him.

"Have you forgotten who you are? Have you forgotten what you are capable of?" it asked again.

Rei did not responded, he simply lowered his head and began crying.

"Disgusting, despite have such powers you cry over such pitiful creatures"

It spoke to Rei but he still did not respond the two stood in silence in a void of darkness.

"I see, you have been devoured by human emotions, you have lost the reason of your existence, then I shall make you remember!"

It suddenly rushed Rei as it mouth grew larger and larger, but came to a stop only inches away from devouring Rei.

"Hmm, I guess you'll remember what you are sooner or later... After all you are the reason why this world still exists"

Rei felt a cold breeze pass his body; he was back in the vehicle sitting silently while zombies were still surrounding the vehicle.

"Huh? Who's voice was that? Why was that world so dark? What's happening?"

He realized that he was still holding the walkie-talkie on his hand; he hesitated for a few seconds before quickly turning the signal on the walkie-talkie to find who the commander was talking about. The zombies numbers grew larger and larger and he still could not find the correct signal, no one was going to save him, he glared at the black sword in the case he was about to try and reach it with his left hand but he remembered what Chase had told him.

He was losing his hope as the glass on the vehicle began to crack due to the multiple zombies bashing their heads on it. And at the last turn on the walkie-talkie a voice spoke to him.

"Commander Stella, you called?"

It was a woman's voice who had answered, Rei felt relieved over hearing someone his eyes began to cry again.

"Please save me" Rei said.

The woman's voice faded from the walkie-talkie, Rei sat in relief while still crying knowing that someone was about to save him. A large white light suddenly appeared close to the vehicle which caught most of the zombie's attentions.

"Haloo! Elaina has arrived!"

Rei stared to where the light was coming from with a smile on his face, he taught that it was finally over when suddenly the window beside him was shattered, he tried to kick the zombie who was trying to enter but he ended up getting bitten.

"Aghh! Shit! I need to cut this leg!" Rei said before finally kicking the zombie outside.

The zombie stood up again and was about to try and enter the vehicle again when suddenly a white blade severed its head from its body.

"Are you alright Rei?" Erika asked him.


His vision suddenly faded to black as he fainted from shock over the zombie bite.

"Huh? Did I faint back there? Ah I see, I think I turned into a zombie, man that was a boring life... but even though I died why do feel like there's something soft behind my head? Huh"

"Rei... Wake up, were about to enter the laboratory so you need to wake up" Stella called out to him.

"C-Commander? Am I not dead?" Rei's vision was blurry but it seemed to him that he was lying down on someone's thighs.

"That's right, your alive Rei so you need to wake up"

As his vision began to clear up he saw Stella smiling at him, he then realized whose thighs he was using as a pillow.


He immediately sat down and blushed over what has happened.

"Did I not turn into a zombie?" Rei asked.

"Oh... you did, we had to kill you and revive you because you definitely turned into a zombie" An unfamiliar woman's voice answered him.


Rei was in shock, he stared hard at his hands, thinking that he had actually died from the small zombie bite.

"Don't listen to her Rei, my sister likes teasing people that sometimes it can be traumatizing" Erika calmed him down.

Rei felt relieved from he was told, he smiled and glanced at the other woman beside him.

"I don't want to be rude... but who's she?" He said while pointing at the woman beside her.

"I am your savior, now bow before me pitiful human" She declared.

"Sister how many times have I told you not to toy with people you've just met!!" Erika spoke.

Rei was still confused over who was beside him despite the quarrel that is currently happening in front of him.

"Glenn park it here were entering their laboratory" Stella spoke.

Everyone was silent while fixing the equipments they needed, while Rei was still slow and could not keep up with what's happening. He simply followed what Aizer and Glenn did and was about to step out of the vehicle when Stella stopped her.

"Rei can you move your right arm now?" She asked.

"Not yet I guess" Rei replied.

"I see, then you are to stay here until you can move that arm of yours alright... Elaina you stay with him" Stella ordered.

And again Rei was left in the vehicle but this time there was a woman sitting beside him.

"Ugghhh... This awkward!! I don't know what to talk about with this woman"

The vehicle was filled with silence, Rei was unable to initiate a conversation because he still had no idea who was the person sitting beside him.

"This is boring, can you do something cool?" The woman called out to him.

"Ugh... I'm sorry I was not prepared so I have nothing" Rei replied.

"Ah... I see..."

And after that they once again sat in silence, where Rei did not dare to try and ask things to her because he was too shy and still had no idea who was the woman.

"Uhm... May I ask what your name is?" Rei asked with an embarrassed face.

"Oh, you finally spoke... My name is Elaine Matthews, I'm Erika's older sister" Elaina replied.

"Ehh??... Your sisters??" Rei was shocked.

"Didn't she explain it to you earlier? Are you dumb or something?" Elaina asked.

"Ah... I guess I'm kind of dumb somehow since my brother would usually call me that" Rei laughed while scratching the back of his head.

"So you have a brother?" She asked.

"Yeah, were twins but he got out of our mother's womb first" Rei explained.

"I see... I was born 2 years before Erika was born, we used to take care of one another but everything changed when they disappeared one day" Elaina explained.

"Disappeared? Do you mean one day your parents disappeared? Did some woman suddenly appear when they disappeared?" Rei asked with a straight face.

"That's exactly what happened! How'd you know??" Elaina's face was filled with shock.

"That's the same thing that happened to us.." Rei answered.

"Did the two of you grow up inside the dome?" Elaina asked.

"Yes, we grew up in a dome, the dome of the east or so they say..." Rei answered.

"I see... me and Erika grew up at the dome of the north, she was only 10 when Commander Stella suddenly met with us and brought us out to see the reality of the world were living in" Elaina explained.

"Aren't you quite lucky?" Rei said.

"Lucky? What do you mean lucky? Do you have any idea what we saw when we were brought out by the commander?" Elaina screamed at him.

"I have no idea... but I did see what horrible things demons were capable of doing to humans who knew nothing about their existence..." Rei was silent after what he said.

"Wait... did you just get out recently?" Elaina said with her hands on her mouth.

The both of them fell silent, Elaina was about to apologize for losing her cool even though she didn't know what he had seen and experienced, suddenly Aizer knocked on the window near Rei.

"The commander is calling for the two of you" Aizer said.

The two immediately got out of the vehicle while Aizer took the special case for Rei's black sword, while Rei held his other sword on his left hand. They followed Aizer as they walked inside the laboratory, the halls were filed with human blood and a few body parts which gave off a very foul smell.

"Aizer did the commander not give anything to cover our noses?" Elaina asked.

"No, we entered the same way as you did, she just walked straight to the central not minding the blood or the smell" Aizer answered.

"What is the commander thinking, this place should be cleaned up as soon as possible most zombie are not even here so it's safe to say that this place could be cleaned" Elaina said with a slightly pissed face.

"No one has called the capital for any help, she just walked straight towards the central, but with that kind of reaction I think the commander knows something we don't" Aizer said.

As they reached the entrance of the central three zombies were eating human flesh near them. Aizer immediately used his Star and mercilessly beheaded all three of them, as they entered the central the foul stench slowly disappeared it was replaced by a flowery fragrance.

"This smell, is this Erika's perfume?" Elaina asked Aizer.

"I guess so..." Aizer answered with a cold tone.

The moment they met up with the commander there was no sign of Erika, Elaina immediately flipped out thinking that something bad had happened to her sister.


Her scream echoed throughout the central, there was no other person inside other that Squadron I. A hand suddenly hit Elaina by the head, which made her almost cry in pain.

"Your as noisy as your sister!" Stella spoke.

"Where is she!" Elaina's face was filled with anger.

"She's... uhmm.... She's..." Glenn was trying to say something but was having a hard time.

"What Glenn? Tell me!" Elaina demanded an answer.

"She's taking a bath" Aizer answered with his face slowly turning red.


Elaina fell silent and began apologizing over getting flustered without knowing what was actually happening.

"Rei, don't get to close to her, she's has a major sister complex, you might get infected" Stella spoke while watching security cameras from inside the dome of the south.

All of them watched as horrifying events took place inside of the dome, none of them spoke a single word as the dome was about to meet its end.

"This is what happens to a dome when no one is controlling it" Stella spoke.

It was horrifying that Aizer and Elaina puked, while Stella and Glenn continued to watch, Glenn's face looked really horrified but tried to keep his cool, but Stella's face seem to look emotionless.

"Commander is this what you meant when you said the dome of the south is about to collapse?" Rei asked.

Stella did not answer the question but rather asked him a question.

"Are you able to move your arm now?"

"I guess the numbness is starting to fade" Rei answered.

Stella focused her eyes on watching not even looking on how horrified her subordinates were.

"Rei do you remember the A-class demon that appeared back at the east?" Stella asked.

"Yeah, I still remember it, why?" Rei spoke.

"You are about to meet it again"

[Chapter End]