Ch. 20: "DEATH"


Content may become graphic.

"I seem to be able to hold it fine comma-"

Rei was immediately cut when the demon started screaming, the ground began to shake stronger that it was getting hard for them to standup, suddenly the demon began charging towards them, and the storm got stronger above it.

"Rei put down your sword" Stella ordered.

As Rei placed down his sword the ground began to calm down but the demon did not halt it was still charging towards them.

"Commander with that speed it may just break both the wall and the dome inside if we don't do anything" Aizer said.

All of them were standing still, waiting for the Commanders order, watching as the demons size grew larger as it got closer to them.

"This is bad! This is bad! That thing is much larger than the wall if it doesn't stop the wall including the laboratory and dome will be destroyed"

Rei lifter the black sword once again but this time the ground did not shake, he immediately threw his sword as far as he could outside of the wall.

"OI! What do you think you're doing?" Mikaela yelled at Rei.

Rei watched closely, the moment the sword hit the ground the direction of the demon shifted.

"Look! It's attracted to the Sword... If we move the sword as far away from the wall we can safely fight it outside the wall" Rei yelled.

"Glenn, take the vehicle outside of the wall Erika go with Glenn, Aizer and Elaina you two go with Rei and run as far away as possible, we will join you with the vehicle later, Mikaela go with them" Stella ordered.

Everyone made their move, Erika and Glenn went towards the laboratory to get the vehicle, while Rei and the rest went out the wall to pick up the black sword. They ran as far away as they could while the demon continued to follow them, their legs getting sore from running too much they were now miles away from the wall and the demons was much closer to them.

Stella and the others had finally caught up to them, and they all realized how small they were from the demon as they were now standing only a meter away against it.

"C-c-commander w-wha-t do w-we do n-n-n-now?" Glenn stuttered.

"Mikaela can you use your Star gear?" Stella asked.

"Yeah I guess" Mikaela replied.

"Elaina you and Mikaela keep that thing distracted I'll have a talk with these four for a while" Stella ordered.

Immediately Elaina and Mikaela charged towards the demon, and with a flash of light their Star appeared on their hands as they entered a storm with a demon in its center.

"Rei! If it's attracted to your sword it means that its strong you are going to be the key to defeating this demon, Erika, Aizer, Glenn I want the three of you to find the core of that demon, okay? As much as I want to help I can't due to the rules given to us commanders, now go!" Stella said.

The three immediately followed and entered the storm, Rei and Stella watched as the others fought the demon, they were swung and thrown away by the strength of the demon, lightning would strike the ground would shake whenever the demon would jump.

"Commander! I want to help them! Please let me go!" Rei screamed.

Stella was silent and just held tight on Rei's hand not allowing him to go.

"Rei... something's wrong with that demon, I can't let you go until they find where the core is" Stella said.

"Huh? What are you saying commander?" Rei asked.

Stella pointed at the demon.

"Look... its smiling, as if its enjoying the fight it's in" Stella answered.

Rei's eyes widened as he saw the smile of the demon, it was very similar to what him and Erika saw earlier.

"Commander please! Please have them get away from that thing! I have a plan that might help us find it" Rei spoke.

Rei explained his plan to the commander and the commander agreed to it.

"First I need to get its attention, I'll have everyone go back here please tell them the details!" Rei said before running towards the others.

Rei entered the storm without hesitation, the moment he set foot inside the storm multiple lightning began striking the ground at once and the wind began to grow stronger. The others saw what happened so they immediately moved to Rei.

"Everyone go to the commander right now! We have a plan to beat this demon" Rei said with a smile on his face.

The others immediately followed and retreated towards the commander. Rei raised his sword and the air, the demon began to roar at him, suddenly black tentacles began to come out of its body which began attacking Rei, lighting struck down towards him, the water suddenly also turned to ice which made the fight hard for Rei.

"What the hell is this?! How can this demon do multiple things like this?"

Rei sliced off the tentacles which immediately grew back, avoided each lightning bolt pointed at him, but his body could not dodge all the ice that was falling, slowly his body felt cold. The storm had turned into a blizzard, rei was in a total disadvantage.

"I just need more time, I need to wait for the signal. Commander please do what I told you! We can do this!"

Rei jumped towards the demons face using the tentacles as his bridge to get there, as he was about to reach the demons head a large piece of eyes suddenly hit his left arm throwing him off balance as it got broken, the tentacle that he was on suddenly retracted towards the demon which caused him to fall, he was up in the air and had nothing to grab on, the demon then opened its large mouth and was about to devour Rei, he stared as his body felt heavy as he continued to fall.

"Is this the end of me? Am I going to die here? Someone save me"

Suddenly a gun was fired towards the demons eye causing it to be blind for a while, but Rei was still falling, he thought to himself that it was finally his end and that he was going to die.

"You're not going to die on me"

Stella had caught him before he fell to the ground, she then ran towards the vehicle while carrying Rei in her arms.

"I'm sorry commander, I guess that was all I can do to distract it" Rei said.

"That was enough time, this time let us defeat it all together" Stella said with a smile as they met up with everyone at the vehicle.

The vehicle then drove opposite to the demon, Erika, Aizer, Elaina, and Mikaela were all holding an Atria and was shooting the demon as they got further and further away from it.

Stella treated the wounds Rei had gotten from the ice that had hit him she also placed a bondage on the arm that got broken

"Commander, I'm alright now, we need to continue with the plan" Rei said.

He immediately used the opening above the vehicle to climb to the roof, as he got up everyone grabbed his leg to balance him on the roof as the terrain they were going through was a bit of rough. Rei raised his sword and swung it left and right taunting the demon to come at him.

"The plan is to get the demons attention to me and use the sword to our advantage, since the demon would most-likely follow the sword we would use the vehicle and make it follow us while everyone was to shoot it until we find the core, it should be a fool proof plan for a demon"

Rei was grinning as he continued to swing the sword, but his grin disappear when gigantic wings began to form on the demons back. It then let out a frightening roar which made everyone to cover their ears, the demon flew up to the sky and towards them, and in a blink of an eye it was already behind them with a smile on its face.

"You demon!" Rei spoke.

The storm that the demon had suddenly disappeared the demon then opened its mouth showing Rei nothing but darkness, slowly small orbs of light started to form.

"GET OUT OF THE VEHICLE!!!" Rei screamed to the top of his lungs.

"Why?" Glenn asked while driving.

"I SAID EVERYONE GET OUT OR YOU'LL DIE!!" Rei screamed again.

Everyone jumped out of the vehicle including the commander, a sudden blast of lightning turned the vehicle into smithereens. The demon flew past them and went up to the skies.

"Is everyone alright?" Mikaela asked.

"I think I sprained my ankle" Glenn answered.

"Be prepared, it might suddenly attack again!" Aizer spoke.

With a loud screeching noise the demon came crashing down near them, one of its wings was torn off, the demon gave out a sacred roar while looking at the sky.

"Huh what happened?" Elaina asked.

"Look up" Stella said.

A humanoid black figure with gigantic black wings was slowly descending from the sky, it had large black horns and sharp claws on both hands and feet, a pair of white eyes and no mouth.

"Rei is that the same thing that caused Rylee to be in a coma?" Stella asked.

"I think so" Rei answered.

"Everyone focus on the A-class demon, if that thing was responsible of placing Rylee on comatose then all of you might die if you fought it, if it strikes I'll be the one to take it down" Stella said.

The black figure then lifted its hand which placed everyone on their guard, slowly it place its claws on its face and began ripping parts of it creating a mouth like feature. It then started to speak an unfamiliar language, which no one there understood including Rei.

"Sframon dymi tchl!" (Transform, my child!)

The demon who had fallen from the sky started to scream louder, its body began to transform its head shrunk along with its body, its legs shortened along with its other body parts, slowly it began to resemble the figure that was flying up in the sky. Cracking noises could be hear from inside its body, it was horrifying to watch as black liquid sprayed all around as it changed what it looked like.

"It broke its core" Mikaela spoke.

"Huh?? What are you saying? If it did should it have died already?" Glenn said.

"She's right it broke its own core, but those broken core seemed to have scattered around its body making it much more difficult for us to kill" Aizer reasoned.

They watched as the demon had fully changed to look the same as the one that was flying, then the black figure started to speak again.

"Ilkal melthl!" (kill them all!)

The demons eyes slowly turned red, its wings turned into tentacles and the end of its tail turned into a needle, the black figure then ascended back up and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Commander what shall we do?" Erika asked.

"Fight it and break every single one of its core, a monster like this should be annihilated from our world!" Stella said.

"FIGHT!!" All of them screamed.

Rei immediately rushed towards it wielding both his sword, a tentacle suddenly attacked him but was blown to smithereens by Glenn.

"Don't let your guard down kid" Glenn said.

Elaina and Erika move towards its sides and charge it, Rei was successful on breaking two of its cores, Aizer was behind Rei and made a surprise attack which broke one core, Elaina and Erika was able to break two cores. The demon fell down to the ground. Everyone was overjoyed thinking that they had finally defeated the demon.

"You have really talented subordinates Commander Stella" Mikaela said.

Erika walked closer to check if the demon was still alive, unknown to her a tentacle was already pointed at her ready to strike.

"Erika get away from there!" Aizer screamed.

He ran towards Erika and pushed her before she got stabbed by the tentacle.

"Are you alright?" Aizer asked.

"Yeah thanks!" Erika smiled at him.

Aizer smiled back at her when suddenly blood came out from his mouth.

"A-a-aizer?" Erika looked at Aizer's torso and saw that the tentacle had pierced it.

The others were shocked when Aizer was suddenly lifted to the air, then another tentacle pierced his torso slowly the tentacles began ripping his body in half exposing his intestine and spinal column before throwing him towards the others, the demon took his lower half and devoured it, blood poured from the demons mouth.

"SHIT!" Rei said.

The demon suddenly grew in size, turning himself in to a giant and its eyes had turned white, the demon was about to pierce one of its tentacles on Erika who was traumatized after being drenched in blood.

"Erika no!!!" Elaina screamed.

Glenn blasted the tentacle before it could hit Erika which caught the demons attention, Mikaela and Stella stood there guard to defend Glenn. But their vision was to slow, in a blink of an eye five tentacles had already penetrated Glenn, one on his stomach, one on his chest, one on each of his legs and the lastly one on his neck.

"C-c-c-c-comm-mand-d-d-der?" Glenn tried to speak.

The tentacles then turned into drills which annihilated Glenn's body completely, Elaina had enough of it she immediately ran towards her sister to save her. She successfully to dodge every single tentacle the demon used to attack her which led her to the success of saving her sister whom she brought to the Commander and Mikaela who stood frozen after what happened. She then walked towards Rei who was shaking.

"Rei, it's only us now, we attack it and aim for the head alright" Elaina said.


Rei swallowed hard before charging towards the demon, he glanced back and saw Elaina following him which give him a small boost in confidence, he jumped with all his might and sliced the demons head when he suddenly heard a weird sound, it was the sound of something being squashed.

He looked behind him, his eyes widened when he saw the demons arm on the ground with splashes of blood around it, everything happened all too fast for everyone, slowly the demon turned into ash and disappeared. Rei immediately walked towards Elaina who had herself crushed by the demon.

"I'M SO SORRY! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!" Rei screamed as tears to continue to come out of his eyes.

He fell on both his knees and cried louder and louder.

"E...laina?" Mikaela suddenly hugged Erika as tight as she could as her eyes began to rain tears.

Commander Stella stood frozen as three of her subordinates had been killed with her unable to move an inch, slowly a personality of her which she have always disliked surfaced itself.

"What a disappointment, the Star weren't even able to show its true color" Stella said in a cold voice.

A voice suddenly whispered to Rei.

"Didn't I tell you that they will die? This world will only give you pain and misery if you allow yourself to be devoured by human emotions, now come and destroy everything in this pitiful world"

[Chapter End]