"Rei... I don't know what kind of relationship you and Mikaela have, but please, if you're gonna have sex keep it down a little. My staff here are having trouble doing their jobs because they could always hear your moans, some neighbors also spoke to me that children tend to wake up at night saying they hear screams" Collin said while drying a glass with a cloth.

"I'm sorry for that... we'll keep it down" Rei answered with a smile.

"Anyway the two of you have been her for a week now, do you two have no plans on venturing out this dome? It's pretty big if you know"

"Ah... about that, Mikaela has been asking me for while that we should visit the Rainbow Falls. But after that incident my body starts to feel heavy as if it's forcing me not to go there. Plus I'm still quite in shock that a week here is the same as a day outside the dome"

"Yeah at first I was also unable to believe that the time here is very much faster than that of outside, but as time went by I got used to it"

"I think I might get used to this place sooner or later... oh that reminds me, there are some evenings when there are only a few people in here, why is that though?"

Rei asked as he sipped on his cup of tea.

"Ah, well most of regular here have families so most nights they stay home with their families, and every once and a while they all gather here to drink and enjoy themselves"

"Isn't that nice..."

A womanly spoke behind Rei.

"It seems like your loving wife is here to pick you up Rei" Collin smirked as he began to fix the glasses that he had cleansed.

Rei's face immediately turned beet red after hearing those words.

"Mr. Collin please don't say such things..." Rei spoke.

"Come on Rei, Mr. Collin is about to close so we should head upstairs now" Mikaela said with a smile while clinging on Rei's arm.

The two walked up the stairs while having a conversation.

"Those two... if things go well will they be able to survive the meeting, what do you think Hugo" Collin whispered to himself.

A mysterious hooded person suddenly entered the tavern and walked straight towards Collin and sat on the stool where Rei sat on.

"Good Evening, may I ask what is it that you would like to order?"

"Is that what's about to happen?"

"Yes, the order came from the Directors"

"Eh? Isn't that interesting... were the generals inform about the plan?"

"Yes, all three had been informed except for the General of the Northern Military"

"If I'm correct... they're currently battling a horde of a million demon, right?"

"That's correct, but a messenger has been dispatched by the Directors. Despite the current battle a temporary replacement would be made, so that the General could participate. I overheard two people talking about the awakening of something but I didn't get all it"

"Awakening huh, is that all that you came here for?"

The man went silent, Collin handed him a glass of beer.

"Were you ordered to tell Mikaela about the Directors order?"

"Yes, the cold girl who was a simple tool of war has now grown into a fine lady. And seeing it she finally found a partner, as much as I want to let her live a normal life..."

The man paused, he stared at glass in front of him and gulped the beer.

"Orders are orders, huh" Collin spoke.

"Yes... I'll her for now, I don't want to spoil her night with her partner" The man spoke with a smile.

Collin knew that the smile the man made was an an obviously fake one. Knowing what the order was, Collin simply smiled back as he knew how much that man must've regretted accepting the order.

The man stood up from his seat.

"Thank you for the drink, here's my..."

"It's on the house" Collin spoke.

The man was about to leave when suddenly.

"Where do you think you're going?" Mikaela spoke with a loud voice.

There were no more customers inside the bar, it was only the three of them.

The man stopped and hesitated to turn around, but eventually he did the moment his eyes met with Mikaela tears began to shed.

"It's been quite a long time hasn't it? My dearest daughter" the man spoke in a  teary voice.

"Ah, it has been, Papa"

The man walked closer to her, as they were face to face the man lifted his hand and placed his hand on Mikaela's shoulder.

"How have you been?" He asked.

"Why don't we take a seat again" Mikaela said.

Collin felt the awkward air and made his way towards the bar's door, he turned the signs around and  closed it after turning off the light outside the door. As he got back to the counter he felt a heavy presence just above them

"Mikaela, this presence..." Collin spoke.

"Ah, as you see there has been a leak inside the dome. With an unknown reason rhe leak was created from outside which means the demons that have been attacking the people here came from the outside world. More over the leak is unnoticeable, because an uncertain event shattered the Southern system. Before entering here we had to fight against an A-Class demon which is something unnatural for the south, and before that General Stella had executed the Southern Militaries General Wilford" Mikaela explained.

"I see, so that was why there were ominous clouds up on the mountains last week" Collin spoke.

"You've grown stronger and smarter than I imagine, I am proud of you"

"Papa, I know you'd never come to me if there was no skeptical reason, so tell me why are you here?"

"Ahh, you've caught up already... The directors have given new orders, and this one is especially for you"

The man spoke the exact words the Directors had spoken to him.


"Please calm down, as much as I don't want you to do it orders are orders. They first sent me a voice record created by one of the Directors, the record give me very detailed instructions but it never revealed who I had to talk to, not until I agreed with the order. I would never allow my daughter to do such horrible things" the man spoke.

"Papa, this is not whether I have to do it or not. It's the consequences I am worried about!" Mikaela spoke with a loud voice.

"That's right, according to my brother Commander... General Stella is quite fond of Rei. If you were to ask my opinion putting Rei in that situation might cause the general to hold a grudge against the directors" Collin spoke.

Out of the blue the man suddenly stood up and held Mikaela on both her shoulders.

"MIKAELA LISTEN TO ME" he screamed.


The suddenly went silent, he lowered his and held Mikaela much more tightly.

"Please... Pleasee... Please my daughter, don't defy the directors. I don't want you to meet the same fate your mother did"

After speeching such words the man suddenly disappeared before their eyes along with his presence.

Mikaela and Collin stood there in silence.

"What will you do now?" Collin asked.

"Isn't it obvious? I'll follow, as papa said 'Orders are orders' even if I dislike the thought of doing it, I don't want to meet the same fate mother did. Remembering her screams still makes me shiver"

"I wish you luck then, I hope Rei and the others will forgive you after this"

Collin walked passed Mikaela but before he was able to he whispered a few words to her.

"Ah, I know that already... humans are much more crueler than demons. I'm sorry Rei please forgive me" Mikaela spoke in a soft voice.

*At Rei's room*

"It seems like there's a ruckus below, I guess Mikaela finally met up with her father huh?" Rei spoke to himself.

"Human how long do you plan on sealing me inside? allow me to destroy this world immediately, with this power The Great Entity would be pleased without a doubt"

"First, I don't trust you, second you said your created by the this Entity who was also the creator of the all power God. Which means your power is beyond that of human knowledge... so why?... why inhabit me when you can effortlessly destroy this world?"

"Do know how amusing it is to use humans to kill humans, staining your poor soul is my goal, once you get killed I will simply move to another human and do the same thing. Once I get bored of this I will restart this world again"

"For a being that's similar to God aren't you quite talkative?"

"Why not? I am an all powerful Entity, nothing created by humans can harm me in any single way. I Entity Zero the Entity of Destruction is nothing more than a fragment of The Great Entities power"

"So you're saying that God is also a small fragment of the being you call the Great Entity?"

"It seems she's coming back human. Her seeing you in this form my spoil your plan, as long as that plan of yours is still in your brain I Entity Zero will help you"

"Is that so, It's seem your rather quite nice for an Entity of Destruction"

As the conversation between Rei and the Entity had ended, Mikaela slowly opened the door to their room. She saw him, Rei was sleeping peacefully in the bed that they share.

She walked towards him and laid down next to him.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me for what's about to happen" She spoke.

Her eyes began to get blurry as she was about to fall asleep, Rei suddenly embraced her. But before she had totally fallen asleep she heard a soft whisper.

"I forgive you"

It felt like a drea hearing those words.

She was suddenly awoken by the loud cheering of people, she looked beside her and saw that Rei was no longer there. She immediately thought that Rei went somewhere all alone which made her rush down stairs.

The moment she was in the bar, the people stared at her with confusion. The men's eyes sparkled and began thanking God, while the others bit their lips or licked it.

It was to late when she had realized why everyone was staring at her. She looked down and saw her body only in her underwear voluptuous body had not only did her body bewitched all the men present but also the women.

Suddenly a robe was thrown at her which covered her body, from the crowd appeared the man he had been looking for.

"What the hell are you doing?" Rei spoke firm voice.

Her face immediately turned red and tears were about to come out of her eyes.

"Alright everyone please continue what you were doing, the show has come to an end. Mr. Collin please give everyone a free drink, place it on my tab" Rei said.

He walked towards her and suddenly grabbed her by the thigh and his other hand on his back, he then lifted her up as if they were newly wed.

"What are you doing!!" she spoke with an embarrassed tone.

"Simple, carrying you to our room. After all aren't you my lovely wife?"

Rei's words made Mikaela's face much red than before.

"Idiot" she whispered.

"Come again? I didn't hear what you just spoke"


Rei carried her to their room and placed her back in bed, he then walked towards a cabinet and brought out a clothes.

"According to Mr. Collin this was a type of clothing that humans wore long before the world was corrupted by demons. If I remember correctly this clothe was called a Komini... Wait no... its uhm... A that's right! A Kimono!!"

Mikaela stood up and took the clothes from Rei's hands and wore it in front of him, she also teased him by changing her underwear in front of him, which cause him to look away with an embarrassed face.

"How do I look?" she asked.

Rei was astonished on how the clothes fitted her turning her into a much more gorgeous lady. The Kimono had a white color with red embroidery and was paired with a red skirt which was held by a red ribbon, Rei also gave her a pair of red sandals and white socks which she immediately wore.

"You're beautiful" Rei spoke.

He was immediately surprised by kiss on the lips.

"Thank you" Mikaela whispered to his ear

"Now then! LET'S GO TO THE RAINBOW FALLS!!" Rei declared.

Mikaela suddenly remembered the conversation they had last night. She had forced Rei to go there and even to the point where she scared him by saying that she would cut of his genital if he did not comply. With this she felt somehow sorry for Rei because of what she did.

[Chapter End]