7. The Beginning (Again)

Anne stepped out of the bathroom into a wall of teens.

She focused on Lucy. "I know you."

"Really?" Lucy's smile split her face. She took a step toward Anne. "Are you from San Fran..."

Anne threw both hands up to stop her. "The...cough...sneeze...wheeze cat." The last was a gasp as her throat closed up.

Without pausing Lucy handed Twiskers to Ethan and stepped in front of Anne. Gently she wrapped her arms around the taller girl.

Anne felt a slight vibration, then a warmth flowered in her chest. It flowed through her body. Her head cleared, her breathing returned to normal. "Wow," She stared hard at the slight girl.

"I'm Lucy."

" How'd you do that?"

Lucy shrugged and retrieved Twiskers. "I don't know"

"Hey, again. I'm Rufus." The gangly boy she'd met earlier smiled warmly. Anne smiled back.


"Hello Ethan"

"Last as always. Georgie." Anne ignored his sulky tone. "Great to meet you all. Is that food I see over there?" She pushed past them. "Lucky Charms! Maybe this is heaven?"

"Not even close." Georgie piped up.

"Well, it's close enough for me." She poured milk on her cereal and began shoveling it into her mouth. The others watched her curiously.

She showed none of the fear, helplessness or homesickness they all had suffered upon waking up in the Hive.

Lucy opened her mouth, prepared to start a barage of questions, when the door opened and the twins strolled in.

"Hello Kitty." Anne snickered at her own joke. Ethan spun toward Rudy.

"Wow, you were a tricky one, Anne, " Rudy conceded.

"Hah! You didn't catch me, I gave myself up."

Ethan watched this back and forth curiously, then frowned when Anne and Rudy both broke out in huge grins.

Anne tipped her bowl up, drank the remaining milk and leaned back in her chair. "Where's the last guy?"

All eyes turned to her. It was Rufus who asked. "What guy?" Ethan nodded. "The empty bed in my room."

"Smart boy." Ethan wasn't sure he liked the new girl's condescending tone of voice.

"Meeting in the classroom in 20 minutes. We will explain then." Kate left and Rudy followed.

"Alright, tell me about this place."

Rufus, Lucy and Georgie all tried to talk over each other. Ethan held back, watching silently.

The 20 minutes was up before they finished retelling the story of their kidnappings. Plain and simple. Kidnappings. That's what had happened to them all, stressed both Georgie and Lucy. Anne watched Ethan. She had never trusted the strong, silent type.

"Better get going." Ethan finally spoke. They showed Anne which door to take. Ethan led with Rufus taking up the rear. Unconsciously they moved into the large room, protecting the weaker members.

Kate waited for everyone to take a seat. Rudy balanced his hip on the edge of the table.

"Every 11 years or so, the sun's north pole and south pole completely flip. Then it takes another 11 years or so for them to flip back."

"This activity causes solar spots and solar flares," Ethan piped up. Kate nodded. Georgie sighed heavily. "Boring." He dragged the word out. "What's any of this got to do with us being here?"

"Quite a lot, little man." Georgie glared at Rudy. "Scientists agree that if a solar flare were ever to directly hit the earth it would be devastating. In July 2012 the most powerful solar storm to happen in 150 years barely missed hitting the earth."

"Wait a minute!" Lucy looked up and down the table. " My birthday is July 23rd."

"Mine too." Three more voices piped up.

"Sorry, Amigos, that doesn't work for me. I was born the next day." Anne leaned back in her chair.

"No, Anne, you weren't. " Rudy leaned toward her, his expression was kind. "That's the day your mother told you was your birthday, but a quick check of the hospital records shows you were born at 3:30 p.m. on the 23rd of July."

"Damn! You mean I've been celebrating my birthday on the wrong day for 16 years?"

"That's your whole take on this?" Ethan was angry. "Your own mother couldn't remember the day you were born and you are disappointed you got your cake and balloons a day late?"

Anne stared at her clean hands. Her fingernails were trimmed neatly with no dirt ringing them. "Yup, that's me. A complete princess."

It seemed only Rudy caught the twinge of sadness. "Enough! The point is that you were all born during the biggest solarstorm in a century and a half. The electromagnetic pulse modified each of you. Gave you each a gift."

Rudy pointed to each of them in turn. "Lucy, you have an amazing ability to heal. Rufus, you are what we call a Static. You can harness static electricity, the same force as lightening. As I have witnessed myself, Anne is probably the strongest Precognitive the Hive has ever found."

Georgie was having none of his explanation. "Seems you forgot something. What about me and Ethan?"

"You are special and important to our mission. We were hoping each of you would discover your specific strengths on your own. Then we could train you to use them effectively. "

"Mission? Your mission? We are kids, not spies! Not superheroes! Kids!" Georgie wouldn't let it go. His voice got louder with each word until he was yelling. His face was red. Saliva spewed across the table. "You ripped us from our homes and our families. You ruined our lives and that's the best you can do?"

It was Kate who replied. She moved around the table and placed a gentle hand on Georgie's shoulder. "Yes, that is exactly what we did. We were enlisted to collect and train you. I know you are scared, but you are special and you are going to have a huge impact on the world."