
That night I couldn't make up my mind to sleep together with Dave. It wasn't anger or any disappointment that I felt, I was hurt by his words. They say that people begin to speak their minds out, when they are drunk, maybe it was Dave's drunk truth. This wasn't the first time that he had thrown off some tantrum, but for some reason it felt so.

I waited for Miles to finish his dinner at the dining table. I didn't have an appetite to have anything, I merely sat there with my food, slacking time and staring at the food, just to convince Miles that I was having dinner together, but my mind was clouded with Dave's words.

Once Miles had gone off to his bedroom, to sleep, I asked Marta to arrange the guest room for me. I fell asleep there, wondering about everything that came onto my mind. In the morning, I wanted to leave off to work before Dave woke up, I just didn't want to hear his excuses or any explanation about last night. I knew that it would just tarnish us more. I woke up Miles and told him that I was gonna leave early for some work and came out. On the way, I called Adrien, and told him to come to work early too. But I knew I would have to wait some time for him.


I arrived at the parking lot, parked my car and went up to work. To my surprise, Adrien had already arrived at work. He saw me at the entrance, and came onto to greet me.

"Good morning Miss Zara."

"Good morning Adrien."

"I didn't expect the call." he said.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I just wanted to get over yesterday's unfinished work quickly."

"It's totally fine. ... So are we working at my office?"

"Where else, would you want to work?" I asked puzzled.

"I was just asking." he said.

"What. Isn't that a given. Since we already did work there yesterday."

He just laughed, and we walked our way to his office.

"Are we going to start the work right away?" Adrien asked as we came into his office.

"Yeah." I said simply as I wanted myself to get busy as much as I could, to avoid thinking too much.

"Have you had breakfast?" Adrien asked suddenly. That's when I remembered that I had just left home without breakfast, Dave's coffee or anything simple which I would enjoy while I awaited to go to work. In my hurry to avoid Dave I even forgot my daily morning routine.

"No" I said in reply.

"Would you like to have something?"

"Do you have anything with you?"

"I could go get something." Adrien said.

"It's alright. I'll just have something later. I'm not that hungry." I said.

We started working. Gradually we were finishing off most of the work, while my hunger also grew little by little. I was thinking of calling Paul over and make him bring some small snack, when my stomach suddenly rumbled aloud. I was so embarrassed that I quickly peeked at Adrien, wondering whether he heard it or not. He was just busy focusing on his giant computer screen, and it relieved me for a second. But after a while he turned to me and ask,

"Should we have something?". To which I again replied that I was fine.

"It's almost lunchtime." he said.

"Lunch time? Already?" I didn't realize the time go so fast again.

"Would you like to have lunch from a nice little place I know from nearby?" he asked. I wondered how he even knew such a place when he just came into work here a few days ago.

"Where is that place?" I asked without saying anything else, as my hunger grew bigger slowly.


We were already out of work, walking to the place Adrien wanted to have lunch at.

"What kind of place is it?" I asked as I followed him.

"You will see." He said with a small chuckle.

He is witty I thought.


Just as he had explained, it was a small little place. It was a café along a small restaurant. Pleasant and quiet, no one would notice it unless they were carefully observing the small streets.

Since the place had a small rooftop, we decided to go there. Adrien showed me a small table near a corner, we went and seated ourselves there. We ordered what we each would like and waited for the food to arrive. I was staring at the far view with no thought, when Adrien broke the silence.

"Did you decide on anything, miss Zara?" he asked.

"Not yet."

"Will you drop the genre?"

"I might if I can't come up with anything." I said.

"Don't you like the genre, that much?" he asked.

"Kind of. Why?"

"But why?" he asked again without answering me.

"Well, I'm not a person who writes mature." I said.

"I thought you didn't like to be defined in one field of genre." he said.

"So, you read my interview?" I asked.

"Of course, I told you. I'm a great fan of you Miss. Zara."

"So, as a fan of mine, you would like to see me coming up with a weird shift of a genre style?" I asked.

"Well, wouldn't that show that you could pull off any genre?" he said.

"That is exactly my fear." I said.

"What?" he asked back.

"That I wouldn't be able to show my colors through this genre. I feel, that, it's just not me. If I do so."

"I think you might do a great job. Just like you have done this far. Every other fan would also think so. I'm pretty sure."

"Thank you." I said.

"So, why don't you give it a try." he said.

"Let's see."

"I'll also try to help you as much as I can." he said.

"You?" I asked in awe.

"Yeah, I will try to encourage you and help. If you let me do so." he said.