1. Black skies

Two young men are stacking fruit and organizing vegetables as they joke and laugh the monotonous work day away.

"Chris did you see that man with the dress" a slightly heavy set young man says to another average built young man.

"Sam your too loud, but yes and why was he in a short skirt dress" Chris replied while laughing. The two finished what they were doing and started for the only window in there department. Sam taking up most of the window stared out to see black clouds and a heavy wind blowing trash across the parking lot.

"Looks like a storm. Where they calling for one?" Chris taps Sam's shoulder and asked. Sam shrugged as he turned around and grabbed the cart they had as he headed for the department alcove. The sky darkened even worse as light streaked through the clouds and the wind became heavier. As the wind pounded the lights to Harry's grocery started to flicker causing customers to run to there cars. Behind the store a massive streak of lightning hit with a deafing horn of thunder. The power fully cut out as a few emergency lights cut on as people screamed and panicked to the noise. Sam and Chris grabbed flashlights to help the customers out of the building when a loud voice boomed from nowhere.

"It is time humans, your greed, your hubris and your wastefulness have all lead to your Apocalypse that I bring you. But rejoice I won't abandon all of you, half will turn to flesh eating monsters this is your payment owed. The others I will give you a job that will help you grow stronger into what you where always supposed to be. Your tribulations start now, Good luck and I will be watching" The voice faded away while laughing.

Sam turns on the flashlight and hands Chris a clever as he picks up another knife for himself.

"Where going to need this" Sam says as he head to the back hallway holding the door for Chris.

"Where are you going" Chris asks holding the knife and flashlight dumbfounded.

"To the employee lounge to get my stuff and leave" Sam replies as they head to the back hallway. Heading down the hallway they past the door to the deli as a scream is heard and something thumps against the door.

"What was that" Chris points his flashlight to the door as a reddish liquid flows from under the door.

"That blood, Dude that's blood" Sam grabs Chris's shoulder and starts to freak out. They both take off down the hallway at this point not looking back.

As the two round a corner they see the stairs to the employee lounge and a man stumbling around the front of the stairs.

"I think that's Jimmy from meat" Chris say to Sam.

"Jimmy is that you" Sam yells out as he points his flashlight at there coworker.

As the light hits Jimmy he looks up and snarls, his face clear to see. The former coworkers nose, upper lip and left cheek are gone and bone can be seen. Jimmy pounces on Sam as Sam stumbles sideways narrowly missing Jimmy's lunge. Sam in a panic bring the knife down on Jimmy's head but only scrapes off more flesh.The feeling scraping skin is transmitted through the knife make Sam feel sick. Jimmy as if nothing happens again tries to attack Sam causing him to drop his knife.

Seeing Sam being attacked Chris brings the clever down upon Jimmy's head as I'd crunches through his skull and get lodged in his brain. Being struck through Jimmy stiffens and then drops to the floor. Both Sam and Chris vomit at the scene no longer able to hold back there bile. Sam recovers first as he pulls Chris up the stairs into the employee lounge after grabbing both knifes.

The two hurriedly tumble into the room and lock the door as Sam collapses in front of the door and Chris is holding his head on his knees.

"What just happened? What do we do?"Chris yells panicking.

"I don't know, let me think let me think" Sam replies back in the same condition. Silence ensues till a loud ding is heard.

"Job system loaded please find a safe place to receive your job 30, 29," the mechanic voice sounds out counting down. Sam and Chris hearing this throw tables and chairs in front of the door till the time hits zero and the both pass out.