4. The Unexpected

Fight with all they had Sam and Chris were growing tired as it became harder and harder to swing there weapons. Sam pulled back into the circle and tried to rest as the cannibals kept attacking as a ding sounded.

*Summon Skeletons has leveled*

*Congratulations you have leveled*

Feeling his strength come back Sam summoned two more skeletons. As the skeletons came out of the abyss they were holding large femer bones like hammers. Chris stumbles to Sam to catch his breath dripping sweat.

"I can't hold on anymore we need to find a place to funnel the.." Chris cuts his sentence short as a arrow pierces a cannibals chest nearby. Sam follows were it came from to see a young girl with a bow and young boy with a staff. The young boy raises his staff and a icicle forms and is launched into the crowd of cannibals. Seeing two survivors Sam and Chris grew excited by the fact they aren't the only ones left in the grocery store. Sam moves back in to the melee as Chris catches his breath and repositions his shield.

"That's all the monsters in the store" The young lady yells out firing arrows off into the cannibals. Sam nodded to himself as he counted the cannibals that were left.

"Chris we have roughly 22 more cannibals" Sam yelled out as he felled another Cannibal. Counting the amount of skeletons Sam counted 19 as he summoned one more. Fighting for what felt like an hour the last cannibal fell to a ice spike as Chris shouted out in glee.

"Haha level 3". "Calm down we have guests" Sam patted Chris's shoulder as he walked to the young boy and girl.

"Hello and thank you for saving us, my name is Joey and this is my older sister Jenna" The young boy introduced himself and his sister to Sam.

"Thanks for the save, I'm Sam and this is Chris" Sam offers his hand and says. Joey shakes his hand and stares at the skeletons awestruck.

"Joey stay away from those.... things" Jenna scolds her brother as she stares at Sam and Chris warily.

"I'm not going to bite" Sam retorts to Jenna's comment as he turns to Chris.

"When did you get Summon Skeletons"

"When I did that oath my job changed to Dread Knight" Chris replied as he summoned three more Skeletons and ordered them to clean up the dead bodies. Sam orders half of his skeletons to watch the entrance to the store and the rest to help clean up with Chris's skeletons.

"Now did ya'll see any other people that made it" Sam asked Joey and Jenna. Jenna just looked down as she clinched her bow and shook her head. Joeys eye turn red as he turned around and walked away a few feet.

"We are the only one that didn't get eaten" Joey squeak out between tears. Jenna went over and comforted her brother.

"I'm sorry if you lost someone, take your time and come find us if you need anything we need to secure this place for now" Sam said to Jenna and her brother as he motioned to Chris to follow. Walking to the front area Sam looked out the front glass windows into the parking lot to see if anything was out there.

"Look over there at the Kelly's Flowers" Chris pointed to the left. Sam followed where Chris pointed as he saw 4 people walking with an assortment of weapons. Chris ran to the sliding doors and pried them open as he hollard to the people to make your way over to them. Sam noticed a few cannibals ran towards the small group as he commanded a few skeletons to go with him to assist. Running at the cannibals Sam yelled for the people to keep running. Sam bounded 50 plus yards in just a minute as he crashed his shield into the first cannibal. Chris crushed a cannibals head right after Sam entered combat.

"Make your way to the grocery store we have cleared it out already" Sam yelled over the sound of battle. The small group of people ran for the store without stopping as they made it through the door a well built man with a ripped shirt started to barricade the door.

"Hey what are you doing they are still out there" Joey yelled out.

"To bad for them" The man replied as he continued to pile shopping charts and other items in front of the door. Sam and Chris worked there way back to the door of the grocery store as they killed more cannibals. Chris turned around to open the door when he saw it barricaded.

"They barricaded us out, Those bastards" Chris yelled as he beat on the glass with his shield. Sam just shook his head as he grab chris and started for the back of the store.

"We need to make it to the loading dock I have the key to the door" Sam told Chris as they ran to the back of the store with the skeletons. As they were making there way around the store Sam and Chris got a better look at the damage that had been done to the area around the store. The neighborhood beside the shopping area had houses on fire and they could hear people screaming. Across the street at a gas station cannibals broke through the glass door and more screams could be heard.

"We need to focus and get to the receiving door" Chris said as he ran past Sam who had slowed down looking at the chaos around them. Snapping out of his daze Sam continued to run as the skeletons held off the following cannibals.