9. Innocence Lost

Sam stares at David's dead body in his arms as thought of how he could of handled things differently played in his head.

"No no no my baby boy" The women grabs on to David's body as she mourns.

"Its your fault you demon, you killed my David" see chokes out pointing at Sam as she pulls David's body from him. Sam stares at his blood covered arms as the world is drowned out by the voice in his head.

[It's all your fault weakling. You were given strength and you've wasted it WEAKLING] The voice pounded in Sam's head as he keeps whispering no. Chris has George pinned to the ground as he commands his skeletons to do the same to turner and the rest. Jenna is crying hysterically as Joey runs to her.

"It's all my fault if only I was quieter, stronger" She cry's out as Joey comforts her. Wraith and the rest of Sam's skeletons gather around him as the fire in there eyes flicker in and out of existence. Chris hands george over to his skeleton as he makes his way to Sam.

"What's going on with the skeletons" Chris asks AJ as the skeletons block anyone from getting near Sam, the women or David's corpse.

"Masters emotions are..... weird" The wraith says to Chris still stareing at Sam. Chris looked on worriedly at Sam who was lost in his thoughts.

The voice in Sam's head grew louder as he tried to fight against it. His vision turned black as the voice continued to berate Sam for his failures and shortcomings.

[You don't deserve the power you were given. I should take over and become what you were meant to be] The yelled.

"NO, This is my body and mine alone" Sam yelled out as his vision came back and he snapped out of his daze. Chris ran forward with Truth to check on Sam.

"I'm sorry" Sam got up and said to the lady still cursing Sam and crying over David's body. Sam dispersed his skeletons as he walked over to George and the other who were captured. Wraith walk to Sam and kneeled at Sam's mental command.

"What is your command master" the wraith spoke to Sam.

"Your name is Bane now. I want you to execute George and Turner and throw the other one out" Sam told Bane with little emotion.

"As you command master" Bane replied.

"You sure that is how you want to handle it" Chris asked his eyes full of hesitation.

"They deserve it. No mercy on someone who can kill a kid" Truth angrily said. Sam could only nod at Chris as he turned and walked to the front window to watch a blood red moon slowly make it's way across the sky. Flames could be seen lighting up the night sky as screams could faintly be heard from where Sam was standing. Sam clinched his fists tightly as his nails dug into his palms. He vowed to get stronger and more decisive so none of the people that put faith in him have to die needlessly. David's lifeless eyes will be Sam's reminder of his lost innocence, the day the old world died and this new apocalyptic one took it's place.

"You going to be okay Sam" Chris walked up to Sam after giving him some space for awhile.

"Yeah just learning a valuable lesson in our new life" Sam replied sighing.

"How's Jenna" Sam asked. Chris just shook his head and looked towards a different corner of the store.

"Leave her till morning and if she is still blaming herself bring her to me" Sam shook his head as screams could be heard from the back of the store.

"Guess they didn't make it very far. Serves them right" Chris chuckled as he patted Sam's shoulder and walked away. Sam just sighed even deeper at Chris's comment as he thought to himself some people just adapt better. Sam turned from the window as he made his way to the employee lounge to sleep.

"Hey Sam wait up" Truth saw Sam and shouted out. Sam stopped and waited for her to catch up then continued on his way.

"I need to talk to you about somethings" Truth as she clung close to Sam.

"That's fine but why are you clinging so close" Sam asked in irritation.

"Maybe I like you" Truth said flirtatiously to Sam. Sam snorted and mumbled unlikely as he continued to the employee lounge. Opening the door Sam see Joey washing his hands with rubbing alcohol as he looks down at himself finally noticing the sticky feeling on his arms. Walking over to Joey he took the other sink and started using the alcohol to clean is arms.

"How's your sister" Sam tried to make small talk.

"She's getting there. She blames herself, how about you" Joey replied back to Sam. Sam just replied I'll make it as he notice his shirt was covered in blood as he took it off. Truth's face grew flush as Sam forgot she was there cleaning himself. Putting the shirt into the sink as he turned around seeing Truth looking away as he had no shirt on.

"Sorry" Sam said as he walked to his locker and grabbed a extra shirt he normally keeps. Putting it on he walks over to Truth.

"So what do you need to talk about" Sam asked.

"W we need to either expand our area and fortify or move to a location we can expand at" Truth studdered out her face still flushed.

"We need to talk to Chris, Jenna and Joey to see there take on your plans" Sam said as truth nodded her head. Truth turned around a d started to walk out when she stopped at the door.

"I did mean what I said earlier" She said as she ran down the stairs. Sam just froze at what she said.

"What was that all about" Joey said as he stood next to Sam, Sam just shook his head.

"So what do you think I know you overheard out conversation" Sam asked. Joey just shrugged as he walked away.

"That's on you boss" Joey said as he walked down the stairs.