14 Siege End

Sam sat on his crate turned stool panting as the battle raged around him. Having killed a few cannibals his wounds had started to close but the blood loss caused him to be weak and tired. Chris fought his way to Sam and sat down beside him.

"Nice armour" Chris said as he looked over Sam.

"You too" Sam said to Chris's black plate cuirass and Greaves. Sam and Chris just sat in the middle of the battle as they watched with tired eyes and sore bodies. Skeletons continued to wage war on the cannibals as they were summoned almost automatically. Their numbers reaching almost 40 as Sam leveled up to 7 over the next few hours. Chris's skeletons didn't lose out as 12 of them assisted Sam's in taking over the barricade from the living.

"SAAMM" A bolt of white light flashed to Sam as Truth had awakened from her unconsciousness in a panic and sprinted to find Sam. Seeing he was okay and just sitting on a crate in the middle of battle she wept as the last see saw of Sam was been bashed by the Cannibal Priestess.

"I'm fine calm down" Sam grunted out as Truth launched herself into his arms.

"Chris" Jenna called out as she made her way over. Chris tried to get up but his body cramped up and he fell back down as Jenna rushed to him.

"Ow ow ow I'm good just cramps" Chris said as Jenna looked over him worriedly. AJ walked over to the four and knelt awkwardly not knowing what the etiquette was for knights.

"AJ just stand dude what's up" Chris laughed out at AJ chagrin.

"The hordes thinning out and being hunted by the skeletons. No one was killed but we have a few injured" AJ continued with his report as Spencer rode over on a larger Saber.

"Sam thank you again and I know how to contribute more to the group" Spencer went over his plan of raising mutated beasts as mounts or companions. Sam just listened and nodded to Spencer plan till the very end as Truth played around with Saber.

"Good plan but can you handle that by yourself. If we can find others with a similar job then it would be better" Sam said his peace but gave Spencer the go ahead for his beast rearing idea.

Day faded to night as the barricade was taken down and resalvaged and the door was boarded up with thick steel reinforced wood. Everyone had separated into camps around the store eating and sharing stories over a hot dinner. The largest group was Sam and Chris's who recounted tales of fighting the Priestess while drunk.

"Tiss man just ssstrolls out the door and gets wacked" Chris is on a drunken rant about the fright Sam gave everyone as Truth holds Sam tighter during the story. The dinner and stories continue for a while more till Chris is past out and brought away by Jenna and AJ. Sam gets up and takes a walk around the store checking on the small groups before making his way to the roof. Breathing the night air cleared Sam's head as the day replayed in his head. Shuffling is heard from the roof access as Truths head pops up.

"I was wondering where you got off to" she says making her way over to Sam.

"Just clearing my head with fresh air" Sam replied as a gust of wind blew the smell of blood and rot. Skeletons could be heard moving cannibal bodies away from the store and patrolling the night.

"Fresh is not the word I would use Sam" Truth cringed at the heavy smell of blood. Sam just laughed as he stared out still replaying the scene of Truth being flung into a crowd of cannibals.

"I'm sorry Truth. I didn't have the strength to protect you" Sam said quietly as she wrapped her arms around him.

"I don't need your protection Sam" Truth told Sam. "Only you love" she whispered softly that Sam almost couldn't hear. The two came down from the roof and headed for the employee lounge turned Sam's bedroom. Sam walked into his room and told Truth goodnight as he started to light a candle and get ready to sleep. Not hearing the door open or close Sam turn back to look a Truth who's face was beet red as she stood there naked. Sam's mouth dropped at the sight of her body as she walked to Sam. Sam tried to say something but was stopped by Truths lips on his. Sam held onto Truth as he brought her into his makeshift bed. Sam and Truth had a passion filled night forgetting today and tomorrow. Night has faded into morning as banging and yelling woke up the two love birds from there slumber.

"Morning" Sam said to Truth who replied in kind with a kiss as they dressed and made there way to the front area. Chris could be seen holding Jenna and his head as AJ barked out orders to 6 men and 1 women wearing a knights chest piece.

"Added more to the crew" Sam said loudly as Chris flinched at the volume.

"Not so loud fuck me and yes I thought a few more knights would do use good as it strengthens their base job and they get free armour apparantly" Chris said rubbing his forehead. Truth and Jenna walked off snickering leaving the two to talk.

"How was last night there stud" Chris said with a grin as Sam just smiled shook his head.

"I should be saying the same to you lover boy" Sam laughed out patting Chris's back as he walked to AJ.

"So what going on so early this morning" Sam as AJ about the construction and training.

"I figured we could start expanding out with all the concrete and brick we have and start enclosing a living area using the roofs as extra space and firing platforms" AJ gave Sam a in depth run down of expansion plans moving forward. Sam headed outside to see what everyone had started. Skeletons were being used a Labourers moving mortar and bricks to the people in charge of laying the foundation of a large wall.