27. Reborn

Sam stood over looking the kneeling undead shaking his head.

"This is all I can do for you heir to my title and throne. Hardship will seek you out and try to destroy you but overcome and do what I could not" the two voices stopped as Sam closed his eyes and collapsed.

"SAM" Chris opening his eyes from his meditative position yelled as he saw Sam fall to the ground. Lunging forward to catch him from falling Chris checked to see if Sam was breathing before sighing in relief and carrying him back to camp. The undead formed up behind the three elite undead and marched behind Chris.

AJ made his way to Chris with the medic team who took over carrying Sam.

"What's the damage" Chris asked AJ.

*Sigh* "6 dead 15 wounded but they will make a full recovery due to the healing magic. We've got a lot of damage to repair to the wall most importantly the gate" AJ went over the important numbers as the sun started to rise.

"CHRIS" Jenna ran over to Chris and jumped into his arms.

"I'm fine how's Truth" Chris asked. Jenna rested her forehead against his chestplate as tears fell and hesitated speaking.

"She fainted and hasn't woke up yet. Hopefully me telling her Sam didn't die helps speed up her waking up" She said to Chris before locking his lips in a kiss.

Tom, Kelly and AJ continued to work through the morning and afternoon holding funerals and organizing groups to repair and scavenge. Truth opened her eyes as she jumped out of her bed yelling for Sam. Jenna, startled from Truth's abrupt awakening fell from her chair.

"Truth calm down your in your room" She held Truth trying to calm her down.

"Where's Sam, how long have I been sleeping" Truth asked multiple questions before Jenna could answer even one.

"He's at the medical center down stairs and you've been sleeping for almost 13 hours" Jenna said calmly. Jenna walked out of the room as Truth's shieldmaidens walked in to help Truth and bring her some food.

"Mistress how are you feeling" Asked a stoic red head with long claw marks on her face.

"I'm fine Jess" Truth replied to the red head.

"Mistress food" A short girl with brown hair brought food over to Truth.

"Thank you May, what's the situation with the camp since I fainted Liberty" Truth asked an average looking blonde that was leaning against the door.

"The group of leaders Sam selected are doing good under Chris's leadership for now. No ones panicking yet but rumors are spreading" Liberty told Truth what was going on around camp as she ate small bites of hot oatmeal. Truth's handmaids helped pick out some clothes and left to fing Sam. Walking into a area filled with tents acting as the homemade hospital Truth was met by Miranda.

"Truth, Sam's in the last tent left side" Miranda said as she walked away quickly as skeletons carried in a man who had cut his leg. Walking to the tent went to open the flap as Chris came out with a glazed look on his face and walked into Truth.

"Ah sorry wasn't payi... Truth... your awake. How are you feeling" Chris asked as he snapped back to reality seeing Truth.

"I'm fine how are you holding up" Truth asked seeing Chris's bloodshot eyes. Chris just nodded as he made an excuse and walked away. Truth shook her head as she walked into the tent. Seeing Sam laid out on the bed tears came pouring down Truth's face.

"Why must you run head first into danger, we all want to help carry the burden" Truth muttered while rubbing her hand across his cheek.

"Where am i, HELLO" Sam looked around a pitch black void and yelled. His voice reverberated all around him like he just yelled into a microphone. The echoing lasted hours as Sam curled into a ball and held his ears.

"What did I do to deserve this" He thought to himself.

"YOU DESERVE THIS" his own voice answered back in a yell.

"Your weak" "You have no talent" "She dosen't love you" " He will betray you" The voices sounded out quicker and quicker, telling him all his weaknesses and shortcomings. Sam floated through the void curled up being berated by his inner demons as hours past into days. The third day of constant abuse Sam felt water on his face when none existed.

"What is that" Sam unfurled himself as he wiped his face. Images flashed by as soon as he wiped of Chris and Truth. Chris was crying as he kneeled by a bedside. Truth was also by a bedside as she yelled at the sky.

"They cry for you as you wallow in self doubt" a dignified voice came from behind Sam.

"Who are you and what do you mean" He asked the shadow that had formed.

"I am the last person to hold the mantle of Dread Lord and your in a prison of your own construct" It told Sam.

"What am I supposed to do, all I've every done is fail" Sam grew agitated as he spoke.

"This is something you must figure out but remember no one just gains the title of king it is forged through hardship and battle" The shadow told Sam.

"Our path is one of death that many wish to destroy. My rule was one such case, I loved, I lost then I lost again. In my world I was nobility, sire of house Dracul. Heir to the oldest family on Hurcine and the most brutal" The shadow told Sam his past and the trials he went through till the day he was killed by his wife.

"I'm sorry" was the only words Sam could muster.

"It matters not for we have died but you still live so learn from our story and be forged anew" the shadow faded as it said the last word leaving Sam at a loss but with a new goal. Sam straightened his self and reaffirmed his ambitions as the void started to fracture. The light was blinding as Sam opened his eyes and tried to gain focus.

"Sam.. Sam, quick he's opening his eyes" A female voice yelled out. Banging and crashing noises could be heard as people poured into the tent.

"Sam your finally awake" Truth launched herself into Sam's chest as he started to sit up knocking him back down.

"Don't kill him Truth jeez" Chris admonished Truth for jumping on Sam.

"I'm good Chris, how long was I out" Sam asked Chris while holding Truth. Chris stuttered when Sam focused on him with his piercing red eyes.

"Dude you eyes, when did they turn red" Chris asked blankly.

"They were a gift" Sam touched his temple as he reasked his first question.

"You've been in a coma for 4 months" Truth said. Sam cramped up at what Truth said before a irritated voice chimed in.

"Three and a half days and you leave if your going to get in the way" Miranda said as she walked in seeing everyone gathered. Truth mumbled under her breath "I was only playing" as the others laughed.

"Now all of you get out so he can rest a little" Miranda chided the group as they started to leave.

"Thank you.. Miranda right" Sam said hesitant.

"Yes and thank you for saving me that time" She replied.

"Now get some rest so you can leave" Miranda said as she laughed and left the tent. Sam laid back on the cot as he went over everything the shadow told him. He had a lot to think about if he wanted to have his aspirations come true. Sam sat in a meditative stance as he fell into deep thought as green and black Mana could be seen swirling around his body.