Battle Plans

Chris woke up holding Jenna, looking at her sleeping face he kissed her forehead.

"Let me sleep a little longer" Jenna purred in Chris's chest.

"I have to get up I will come get you later" Chris kissed her forehead one more time as he eased out of the bed and left to find Sam. Walking back to Sam's area the maidens stood lined up as Sam and Truth walked down the stairs.

"Sam you stallion we have a plan for the battle" Chris shouted and laughed. Truth turn red as she charged Chris and punched him in the stomach cuasing him to take a knee.

"What did I say" Chris panted

*Humph* Truth stormed off with the handmaidens as they all glared at Chris.

"Your an idiot Chris" Sam said as he pulled Chris to his feet. Chris rubbed his stomach as he chuckled.

"Here read this and tell us what you think, A.J did a fantastic job with fine tuning our ideas" Chris explained to Sam all of what they talked about the during the night. Chris dragged Sam to the council area to rego over the plan with Tom and A.J. Chris opened the door to see A.J and Tom passed out at the table. Sam clapped once to rouse both men from their sleep.

"Hero your finally here" Tom said groggily as s he wipe spit off his face. A.J just stared at Sam in a daze and nodded his head like he was lost.

"Chris said you both came up with a plan of attack that will surprise me" Sam smirked as he looked at Chris. A.J coughed twice before standing up and walking to a white board.

"We plan to use Spencer to lure a large force to the old recreational building while having Dagon and Goliath hide in ambush along with the undead legion. The only downside is we plan on using you as bait Sam" A.J breathed a heavy breath as he spoke the last part waiting on Sam's reaction. Sam walked around the room twice with his hand cupping chin in thought before a smile spread across his face.

"Alright let's go with this then, I prefer getting my hands dirty anyway" Sam spoke and A.J and Chris jumped in excitement.

"Haha I told you he would love it" Chris shouted.

"Sshhhh, Who in there right mind would use their boss as bait" Tom wacked Chris on the head with his cane.

"WHAT THE HELL OLD MAN" Chris shouted as he held his head. Sam and Tom laughed at Chris's expense, A.J butted in as he held his hand up shyly.

"I hate to ruin the good mood but we still don't have a lot of information on the other side" A.J pointed out the groups lack of scouts. Sam rubbed his chin as he sent out a mental command.

"You called Master" A raspy voice sounded out as rhythmic tapping could be heard on the concrete floor.

"Zachary how confident are you in scouting the Wallie World with your undead pets" Sam asked the eccentric necromancer.

"Master for you 100%" Zachary gave an exaggerated bow. Walking away Tom shuddered before sitting back down.

"That man gives me the creeps" Tom looked seriously at Sam.

"When your surrounded by undeath for to long you lose your grip on humanity" Sam spoke as his emotions wavered.

"We will begin preparing for the battle to come" Sam hardened his gaze as he spoke with his back turned to the other three. Little need to be said as Tom, Chris and A.J left to carry out their plans. Sam rubbed his brow as he sat down thinking to himself. A premonition of disaster plagued him before standing up and calling Bane, Sevrus, Gore and Abaddon. Four figures could be seen kneeling in front of the HQ as Sam walked out.

"Master has called us" They all sounded out in sync.

"We must increase are strength before the battle ahead of us" Sam spoke to his undead generals.

"A graveyard has been reported by the rangers" Sam stopped talking as the four undead needed no more information about what was to happen.

The sound of skeletons marching echoed across the entire compound as Sam headed to the front gate. The gate opened up to the sight of almost 200 skeletons lined up rank and file.

"My legion we march to bring more into our fold what say you" Sam shouted out as the skeletons clanked their weapons on shields or the ground. An aura of death and valor radiated out cuasing the skin of humans to crawl.

"Master...we come... with" Connor lumbered to Sam with 4 other heavily armoured Death Knight neophytes. Sam nodded as he walked out to infront of the undead legion.

Sam lead the legion to the neighborhood behind the compound. 20 minutes of marching and Sam had only killed a few Cannibals brave enough to charge at his legion.

"Master I sense energy of undeath" Sevrus spoke out to Sam.

"I have sensed it as well" Sam nodded and stared to his right as the forest that had started to reclaim the neighborhood go from green and vibrant to grey and almost dead. Sam followed the decaying forest for another half hour before seeing a large iron gate ravaged by time.

"I remember this graveyard.... I have family buried here" A face came to Sam's mind as he spoke. Bane walked forward and forced the gates opened.

A notification sounded as the gate creaked open and an oppressive aura wafted out.

"Be prepared for battle" Sam spoke as he walked into the graveyard. The sky grew dark as soon as Sam stepped foot in the graveyard, blue wisps floated around providing light to the tombs and mausoleum spread about. Sam unconsciously closed his eyes and circulated his black and green mana. The graveyard trembled like it had met its lover and beckoned Sam further in.

Sam's eye snapped open at the notices as random skeletons turned into Wraiths.

"I'm coming" Dam spoke with a faint smile filled with warmth.