Best laid plans

Sam met his undead at the Rec centers front entrance as they got into formation.

*Dagon what are they doing* Sam asked.

*They are coming out of the trees, theres about two hundred of them. Tell me when to make my move* Dagon reported as excitement for battle was evident in the turtles voice.

A soul piercing shriek sounded as the Spider Queen charged the Raiders as a figure jumped out to meet its charge. The figure smashed into the Queen, launching the massive arachnid back several feet causing it to shriek out in pain.

"Gore take the zombies and ghouls and flank behind, Abaddon follow me with your cohort" Sam spoke to his Generals as he charged out.

*Dagon, You and Big White attack when we hit there lines* Sam sent a message to Dagon. Abaddon charged out leaving Sam and the skeletons behind as it pierced through the chest of the first Raider with its halberd. The battlefield fell quite as the massive Wraith with a blood red soul pyre pick the now dead Raiders body up with its halberd and flung it into another person nearby.

"YOUR... DEATH... MY... MASTER SEEKS" Abaddon roared out before catapulting into a small group of Raiders. Sam shook his head as he issued his skeletons orders to assist the bloodthirsty Wraith. The Raiders snapped back out from thier confused state as the skeletons marched in formation engaging the seperated Raiders with ruthless efficiency. Sam slowed down to a casual walk as if on a stroll seeing the effectiveness of the undead as his aura chaotically surged out and greedily wrapped around the dead. The dead Raiders quickly turned to skeletons and joined the formation to seige the living.

"Seems your mother needs some help" Sam whispered as he scratched the white lump attached to his back. The spiderling shifted and let out an almost purr like hiss as Sam continued his peacefull stroll through the battlefield. Reaching the Spider Queen who had collapsed with fratures along its massive body that dripped green ichor.

"Seems your not as reliable as you boasted" Sam spoke as he stared at the defeted Queen.

*We need help againsssst thisss barbarian" the Queen said shamelessly. Sam clicked his tongue before turning to a fast approaching women clad in fur armor, blocking her charge with his shield with little effort. Being blocked so easily Barbarian women stopped allowing Sam to get a good look at a powerfully built red head with fair skin standing almost 6 feet tall.

"Seems you do have the qualifications to be called The Dead King" the women spoke with a pleasant smile.

"I don't remember meeting anybody to allow my qualifications to be known" Sam replied as he cracked his neck causing his aura to concentrate on him. His aura concentrated around him while an invisible typhoon assaulted the area.

"The name is Sofie, don't die" Sofie said as she kicked off the ground causing it to crack and crater. Sam's body was undergoing a unique baptism along with a certain spiderling hiding under his mantle from his condensed aura before blocking Sofie's fist. Deflecting the womens fist Sam slashed out defensively cutting a bit of hair as she rotated mid air. Exerting his aura, Sam willed his aura to greedily wrapped around Sofie causing her speed to drop noticeably. Bounding away Sofie had a perturbed look from the feeling of swimming in a marsh of death and decay dulled her senses.

"What are you trying to do to me you.... YOU" She pointed at Sam as he never gave his name. Sam took the initiative to charge the women with his shield trying to ram her. Leaping away Sofie barely blocked Sam's follow up sword swing as his aura continued to steep into her body.

"What are you doing to me. Where's your honor" Sofie yelled while her body trembled and shook as her fair white skin grew paler.

"You look cold let me help you" Sam laughed out as he charged once again this time landing a successful shield bash. Releasing a pained yelp Sofie recovered to her feet before collapsing to her knees.

"Your... bullying.. me" Sofie panted as she gasped for air.

"Why are you so meek now, where's the firey women from earlier" Sam asked as he recalled his aura eliciting a seductive moan as Sofie turned crimson red. Like a maiden that had been wronged Sofie held her knees as tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

"Bully *hic* didn't even want to fight you *hic* stupid man" Sofie started to cry as Sam was at a loss on how the situation turned.

"Master the enemy has been routed. Gore intercepted a large pack of dire wolves adding them to his horde. What do you want me to do with her" Abaddon walked to Sam and pointed his halberd at Sofie before giving a vague report.

Sam released a deep sigh before looking over the now quiet battlefield and noticed the extra skeletons and Gore meandering out of the forest with almost 20 large zombified wolves added to his horde.

"Sam.. my name is Sam. What do you want to do Sofie. I hold no malice towards you and... your starting to make me feel bad" Sam kneeled down infront of Sofie as the weird urge to protect welled up into his mind.

"Sam" She started wipe her tears away as she whispered his name to herself as Sam kneeled infront of her. Turning a deep shade of red Sofie grabbed Sam's arm and held onto it.

"I'm going to stick with you" she squeaked out blushing while Sam was at a loss in how the situation changed so rapidly as he felt a headache come on.

"You know im taken" Sam in a deadpan manner spoke to the clingy Sofie.

"I don't mind Riker has multiple women" Sofie spoke in a matter of factly tone before being flicked in the forehead.

"Is Riker the leader of your camp and why does he want us dead so bad" Sam pried for information while Sofie rubbed her now marked forehead.

"That hurt bully... and yeah he took over the camp after killing the original leader. He's an asshole but he's strong and has some delusion about being a king. Your just in the way, by the way his class is something call bandit king thats all i know" Sofie answered all of his questions and then some before telling Sam about all that she had been through much to his dismay.

*I ssssee you have conquered the angry one Shishishi* the Spider Queen communicated with Sam teasingly.

*For a Spider you have a weird personality* Sam shook his head as he stood up and went to reorganize the newly raised undead while being followed by Sofie.

"We need to march on to Wallie World and meet up with the rest" Sam spoke to Gore, Abaddon and the Spider Queen while Sofie stood to his side and Dagon and Big White lumbered in the background.