DUSTIN'S Story - Chap 01

DUSTIN smiled to himself when he saw the crowd going wild, enjoying the party beside the beach dancing around the big bonfire. Every Friday night, the club in the island extended the party there. He was satisfied and happy to see them enjoying because it is one of tge reasins why they established a resort in the island. It is a getaway for everyone who wants to enjoy freely. No limitations. His half-brothers suggested the idea of creating a different world the moment they step their feet into the resort.

The island was a gift from her late mother when he turned twenty-one. He always mentioned of having one since he was a kid and his mom just made it possible. It was the farthest island from the mainland, and it is wide enough for them to implement their plans. The seaside area becane the resort. some parts were also public because it's where some of his brother's business are. But, most part of the island is already private.

They call the resort Yuwaku Shima, a Japanese words for Island of seduction. Even naming the resort was just a game for them but it became catchy to those who hears it, so they decided to really name the resort that way.

Dustin's brothers, Javier, Kevin, Oscar, and Rafael, all four of them came from different country. They are all his brothers from their late father. They all help him develop the island especially the resort, and turn it into a sleepless place. It is where all the establishments are open 24/7, except for some stores.

There are no autocars in the island, except for three that they personally own. Only Tricycle vehicle or Carts are the only means if transportstion, and it's not gasoline motorized. It's Solar Energy Powered, wherein the UV lights will make the cart move and they call it SEP Cart.

It was first known as a simple resort but after a week, because of the word-of-mouth, a lot of people came and visited the island. Most of them were partygoers and bachelors and bachelorettes. Kevin was so happy because it was really his target. Then after a month, families came and visit the resort and try Rafael's Spa. Until such time, the island became famous.

The island's dock is 5 minutes away from the resort, so visitors can walk from there. But thet can also hire a SEP Cart if they have a lot of baggage's. A boat from the mainland can send them directly to the island. The government supported them because a lot of tourists came and visited the place. That also includes the province. Visitors are not just locals but also from other counties. It's a big favor for the people in the province as well, because it gives them work.

Beside from Yuwaku Shima Resort, visitors can also go and have some picnic at Graceful Eco-park, where they can view the wide ocean while chilling and a lot of trees where around it to give shades and fresh air. They can also go to the Toques Suaves Spa and Massage Center, owned by his brother Rafael. They can also visit a small Lagoon at the center of the island called Jayeon.

The private area is where his brothers built their own houses. He renovated the small house at the top of the mountain to be his own residence. When he decided to stay there, he built a small house at the top of the only mountain, where he can view the whole island and have a great view of the ocean. After the businesses bloom, he turn that small house into a glass mabsion. That is also why they needed to have at least one or two cars because their houses or villas where on the other side of resort and it was on the elevated part of the island as well.

His brothers call his house Mansion in a Hill or MiaH. He's an engineer by profession but now manages the branch of Ferdinand Constructions, her mom's family company. His uncle Geraldo was the one managing the main company and his uncle asked him to handle the Architectural and Design Branch in that province. He became the President of Ferdinand Architectures and Designs but also managing the finances of the island.

He doesn't want to have hierarchy at the island because he wanted all five of them will be the boss of the place. Even though the whole island and is resort still registered in his name.

Oscar is the General Manager of the hotel in the resort. He has a degree of Hotel Management so they let him handle the accommodations of the tourists. When there are lots of reservations coming and requests to add more rooms from the tourists, Oscar decided to add extra cabins. Good thing there are still vacant areas near the resort.

For medical purposes, their brother Javier who is a doctor build a clinic with complete facility for emergencies and also a helipad nearby for more serious emergencies, so that the helicopters of the hospital can easily land. As of now, no serioys incidents happen yet.

Of course, the main source of attention, the main attraction of the resort is the 24 hours bar and club of Kevin, which he named Brandon's. He named it after their father. The wide establishment has five stories, the dark room, or the club is on the first floor, and the cozy silent bar is in the second floor. The third and fourth floor are already private area. It is for his employees quarters. The fifth floor is Kevin's penthouse.

His brothers suggested about the whole business plan. Kevin said that he want people in the country to experience a liberated world, like party all night and day, especially in a pleasurable way. A place for open-minded people and partygoers. Now, here it is, still on its peak for the past 5 years and counting.

That part of the resort is full of people who are wild, and open on making out or flirting or even the start of something more. Like what Oscar said, it was the engine for fire and desires, which is kind of true. It's not a secret that a lot of people came just to look for some fun, which includes 'sex'. With no one cares about their purpose of coming. As long as they are not making any crime or violating the law, everything is alright.

That is the reason why outsiders call the island 'The iIsland of Lust'. Even if that part is only applicable at the Bar and Club. Not the whole island. They didn't correct it nor explain themselves to people because first of all, it gives them money. And second, they don't care what other people thought. As long as they are doing their job, doing their part as a citizen of the country and not violating any laws.

Despite all those rumors, a lot of family still visited the island. They even brought their kids with them for vacation. A lot of adventures can be done in the island too, like hiring a boat to go around the ocean, hiring a jet ski, or even a surfing.

So far, the island has no-crime image, and it's still 100 percent natural and unpolluted area. They knew how to dispose their garbage's properly too. They also got a lot of good feedback from the visitors and tourists who came and stayed in the island.

The island doesn't have a name before; people in the province call it "Pribadong Isla". It's a tagalong word for Private Island, but now, it's registered as "Cinque Fratelli", an Italian word for 'five brothers'.

But People didn't care about it. They all still call it as Yuwaku Shima, even if it's just the name of the resort.