Chap 04

This part and the next have a mature content, please read on your own risk. Thank you. ✌️✌️


SELENA was not in a good mood because she just got an argument with her parents. They were forcing her to meet the son of their friend and said she'll marry him after. Like hell. Is arrange marriage still exist in this generation? They even act like marriage is an easy thing to do with someone you don't even love.

When her friend Marcel, who just got back from her fashion show, asked to hang out. Not knowing that they were going to the infamous resort called Yuwaku Shima. A place known for all partygoers, for liberated people who loves making out with strangers, or more. The place is very liberated. They said everything is also legal inside the island. There are no prostitution going on but still open for the word 'lust'. A place for 'horny' people.

At least that what people thought of the place, but actually a vacation place. A beautiful place for summer getaways and a lot of family's visited the resort. But she can't deny that they found out about the place because of its endless nightlife. Marcel was the one who first dragged them there; she's the number one partygoer among the three of them. Ivana is a chef and manage her own restaurant. While she's a senior architect.

While Marcel was in the dance floor, she and Ivana were silently drinking their cocktail drinks while sitting at the bar counter. They were on the shore where the extended party of the club was. They were just actually waiting for the lights off game. A game where people can do what they want to do during that light off for 15 minutes. A game exclusively for that time and place.

"Len, I think I have to go back in our room first. I already feel dizzy. I have to go and lie down before I can do anything inappropriate again." Ivana suddenly said so she just nodded.

She knew that Ivana has a low alcohol tolerance and when she was drunk, she has no idea what happened to her. Not that she will pass out but she's going to be wild and won't remember anything after. It happened to her once, when they left her alone in the bar because she insists to stay. She danced on top of the table while undressing herself. A friend of her sister took a video and showed to her sister after. That is why she was scolded by her family for half a year because of it. Said she's a disgrace to their family and all. So she promised to control herself and not to do it again.

She just sends her with her eyes until she couldn't see her. She was roaming her eyes around when a guy from the bar counter, exactly three stools always from het, caught her eye. Selena can see only his side but it's funny how she can't take off her eyes away from him.

She was busy checking him out when the lights turned off. Selena didn't think twice and stood up to approach the guy. Even when it's dark, she's amazed that she still knew her way to him. And when she did, she grabbed his face and kissed him fully in his mouth. Aggressively like an animal ravishing her prey. She knew the guy was shocked because his body stiffened but after a while, he answered her kisses. So from that rough kiss, it became gentle. She felt the satisfaction and even wanted more.

"Oh, I want you, baby." She said in between their kisses and wrapped her hand on his neck and sat on his lap. She became brave because of the drink she had but she's not drunk, she knew she's not.

The guy instantly supported her and keeps her in place. She changed her position and sat facing him, like straddling him. When the guy started to kiss her neck, she started to move her hips and hump him. She heard him groan and it sounds sexy for her that's why she didn't stop until she felt her groin getting hard.

"I'm so wet right now, baby." She whispered in his ear. "And it's because of you." She even bit and leaked his ear that made him groan again.

She didn't care anymore because she was really feeling lustful right now. By just the looking at the guy a while ago woke up the desire that was sleeping for a very long time now. It seems like she's hungry for something. Well, come to think of it, it had been 5 years since she had her last relationship and been celibate since then. Looks like the guy woke that little bitch in her, by just doing nothing.

A few more minutes was left before the light will turn on and she's kinda disappointed that the guy is still doing nothing on her but only for a few second because he felt him stood up and carried her. So he wrapped her legs on his torso while he grabs her butt, which gives more tingles in her system. Selena doesn't care where they go anymore, she just continued kissing and devouring his mouth.

She's not sure how they got into that cabin, or house. She just heard the door being locked and the dim light of the room flashed in her eyes that made her closed it. He sat on the bed still with her, nuzzling her neck and licking it while giving her soft kisses. That's when she opens her eyes and saw that they are really in a cozy dim room.

"I don't know what you did to me but you're so damn hot." He said between his kisses on her neck. The vibrations from it give her shivers.

Then he started roaming his hands inside her tee that made her to want him more. She started to grind her pussy to his growing groin. Selena felt horny and wanted more from him and she felt so much lustful by his touches.

"You feel so good, baby." He whispered while still kissing her neck and Selena didn't know why but her voice makes her more turned on. She helped him remove her shirt. "Now that's perfect."

Then he cupped her boobs and massaged it. She let go of a moan. He started sucking one and played the other that gives her pure bliss.

"You have... no... Idea... how much... I... wanted you..." She manages to say between her moans.

"So, you... were really... checking on... me huh?"

"Y-yes." She said and held his head to press it more on her. "Yes, I did. Oooh, you feel so good, baby."

"Then... you did... the right... thing, babe."

She was full of ecstasy when his hand touches her body expertly. When his hands left her other boob and started caressing her going down and inserted his hand inside her shorts, she moaned sweetly when she felt his hand on her center.

"Oh babe, you're already wet for me." He said sexily and kissed her mouth once again.
