Chap 14

HOW could Dustin forget the girl who first left him without knowing who he was? He was supposed to just chill that night when Kevin noticed that some hot chick was checking him out. He intentionally didn't glance on her because Kevin said she's still looking at him. So when the witty game 'lights off' started, Kevin whispered that the lady might go to her and she did.

Her kiss was rough that time but Dustin can say that her lips were sweet so he decided to answer her back. But thing between them heated up that he decided to bring her to the secret cabin. And thing gt more heated between them. It was the first time he ever enjoyed having a casual sex with someone so they did it several times. But when the lady just leaved in the morning, it left him puzzled.

Secret cabin was built for that purpose because Oscar said that it's for their safe. They never brought any girl in their houses. At least not those whom they just met. They always have boxes of contraceptives in there but that time he can't find where his brothers store it. The only thing he used was his extra in his wallet. But it's funny how he never got scared of making the girl pregnant. In fact, that thing never came into his mind that day.

Dustin thought that he'll never saw the woman again, so he was really surprised to see him in his uncle's company. Plus, he's going to be working with her too. But to his surprised too, the lady obviously was trying to push him away or resist him. So what happen to her being attracted to him? She said that herself. At least the night in the island.

Dustin should just ignore the woman, named Selena. He should just let her go and just work on his assign position, but he felt different towards her. At first, he just wanted to tease her because of her reactions when he's around, because he'd done that before, like having sex with someone who was not his girlfriend or to some strangers. But then, he felt somewhat kind of responsible. He felt connected or he knew that there's a connection between them, like 'spark' or whatever they call it.

He knew that the woman felt it too because she never pushed him away whenever he did his advances, although he can see her trying to resist. About his touches, he's not a maniac or anything, in fact, he'd never done that to any other girls before but every time he's near her, he can't stop himself from touching her. And sometimes, he just find himself staring at Selena.

Yes, maybe, he will admit that he's already attracted to Selena Valentine, but is that it? Is that the only thing he felt? He's not sure about that now. He saw the other side of the woman. He saw how serious she is in her work and how good she is in her field. She can make everyone follow and listen to her. He admired that about her now.

"Dustin, bro, I thought you'll stay longer in Pampangga?" Kevin asked when he saw him coming out of the restaurant in the resort. Pampangga is the name of the district where FerCon is located. It is almost three hours drive from La Union - less the traffic - where the island is located.

"I just need to take some files. I think I store it in my office here."

The main office of the resort is at the back of the hotel. It's where the human resource department and others located. It's where the lifeguard's office can be found too.

"You look like you've been to mainland?" he asked when Kevin still walk with him.

Kevin wore a shirt and pants. It's not his usual getup when he's on the island because he's always topless when he's at the shore, or just wore an open Hawaiian shirt when he's at his bar. So they always can see if he's going to mainland or going out of the island.

"I just met Yuri. She's in town with her friends." He was talking about their last sibling. One of the twins. When Kevin and the others stayed in the country they also became more close to the Maria's siblings. They are the legal daughters of their father.

"Did you meet her friends too? No guys?"

Kevin just laughed at him. "Don't be too strict on them, bro, you can't block all the guys who's going to go near them, you know. Anyway, they are all girls. He was actually asking us to meet her but everyone was busy, excluding me."

He just nods his head and went inside his office after greeting the employees inside. Kevin was still on his tail.