
SELENA was not sure if she's going to laugh or empathized in Dustin's face right now. They were both in the car that his cousin lends him. They just got from lola Dina's house and had a lunch with them. That time her big boss Gerlado was also with them, plus Dustin's cousin, Ged who came from Singapore.

They are going to have dinner with her family and this time, Dustin can't hide his nervousness. He looked like he's having constipation now.

"Relax; you already meet them before, right?" They were at the back seat of the car, like a limosine like. Selena was not sure what it was called.

"Yeah, but that was because of business. Plus, you said they wanted you to marry someone, right? What if they don't like me for you?"

"Babe, where's your confidence?" she said laughing but still caressed his cheek. She's not used to see him like that. "I'm sure mom will like you. She's very fond of handsome guys with careers."

"Is that also what you wanted?"

"Of course not. I don't care about the money or the career. I can work on my own and have my own money, you know. But the handsome part though, I'm not sure about that."

"Right. How will I forgot that you were attracted to me the first time? Even if you just saw my side view."

"Uhuh." She just nodded but turn to him immediately when she felt his hands on his inner thigh. "Stop."

There was this divider between the backseat and the drivers. It was weird when he saw it at first but didn't bother to ask. So she knew that the driver can't see what they are doing. There was this small window at the center that made them communicate with the driver but Dustin closed it and played music.

He was just watching him in owe until he started kissing her. She didn't stop him because it might help him with his nervousness. She thought it was just a simple make out when he carried her to sit on her lap and his hands wear roaming her body.

She moaned when his hands landed on his breast. She can feel his hardness under her. Selena noticed that he got easily erected and when he told him that, he admitted that it only happens because of her. It only happened because he's with her. Well, they were the same. Her body also reacted immediately in her touch which she never expedience in her past boyfriends.

Selena was not sure how they did it without taking their clothes off of them, at the back of the moving car. She must be insane for letting it happen, but she was also relieved because it's Dustin who wass with her.

"I love you." He whispered in her ear after he kissed her forehead. They were both sitting back at the car now, acting like nothing just happened.

"You're such an incest young man." She just said while her head was on his shoulder.

"Only when it comes to you, baby." He kissed him again on the lips after raising her head to look at him. Then they felt the car stopped.

Dustin was the first one who came out and opens the door on her side. She smiles at him and fix his shirt. "Ready, babe?"

He nodded and holding each other's hand, they both enter her parent's house. She was surprised to see their closed cousins and their parents in their house. Her parents even welcomed them with a smile, like they expected them to come that night. It was supposed to be a simple dinner with her parents and siblings. So what's with the whole family doing in their house now?

Her parents didn't let go of Dustin after the dinner. They were all talking to him about business or something, including her other aunts and uncles. That's when she took the chance to ask her cousin Demitry when she saw her sitting at the sofa watching everyone while drinking wine.

"Where's Anthony?" she asked about her son. Her cousin had a son and she didn't tell who was the father, so they didn't meet him.

"At home, with Mindy." She answered. They were not that close as cousins, in fact she's not close to any of her cousins.

"What's with the commotion here? I didn't know that you were all here."

"You don't?" Demitry asked confused. "I thought this is your engagement party? Your parents called us up and said you wanted to have a small engagement and only close relatives are invited."


"You really have no idea?" She just shook her head. "Oh, are you not planning on marrying him, then?"

"I do, but this was supposed to be a dinner for them to meet Dustin. Not yet the engagement party. We're still planning on telling them about that soon."

"Maybe they're just excited to see you with someone. We're not getting any younger, you know. Parents wanted us to get married at the age of 25. Thirty for them is already too late."

"I know." She let go of a sigh and just look at her man, still talking to her uncle's. He smile and wave at her when he saw her so she waved back.

"I didn't know that you got one of the famous Redwood Brothers in La Union." She turned to her cousin again when she spoke. "Don't tell me you're pregnant?"

"What? No! Of course not. Why would you say that? I'm not that kind of woman."

Demitry just shrugged her shoulder and sipped her wine. "I didn't say you are. I was just curious about him because I know that Redwood won't let their selves bind into marriage. They are not the type to tied a knot with someone, just like their father." She just watched her stood up confusedly. "Anyway, congratulations for your engagement and good luck. I have to go. I have to go and check my son."

She was left confused with her cousin's remark that she didn't notice her boyfriend came.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah," she answered and smile. She won't let anything bother her for now, because just like her couson Demitry said, it's their mini engagement party, so might as well enjoy the night with them.
