Chap 27

"What is all these?" he asked Javier who just smile and bend on his one knee. "J-Javier?"

"I know this is rushed, Demi. But I wanted to make everything fast for us now. We started as good friends for a year and been together for three more years, when you suddenly left because of a misunderstanding, and Anthony came without me knowing. Eight years for us had been wasted and I can't wait for another year for me to do this. I think it's about time for us to do the right thing, now that we're having a new angel again. I was supposed to do this before, before you left in Miami. So, I want you to know that with or without our new baby, I still want to marry you. Will you allow me to be my Mrs. Javier Redwood officially?"

She was dumbfounded and astonished that she didn't react to him. Then she felt him squeezed her hand to make her realize that she's not dreaming.

"But you don't love me."

"Oh, Demi, why do you think I want to make things right for the both of us, if I don't love you? Of course I do. In fact, I never did stop loving you. I tried, but I just can't replace you in my heart. All my relationship fails, because I always keep on comparing them to you, which is not good. I thought I already forget about you, but then I saw you again. When I saw our son, everything went back, the love, the cherished, the adoration, all the feelings I felt for you before. I told you that I was planning on asking you to marry me before you left. That mean I already want to be with you for the rest of my life even our children was out of the picture. This is not how I picture my romantic proposal for you, but this will do. U told you I wanted to rush everything now. Demitry Viola, I love you. Te amo. Mahal kita. So, will you be my wife now?"

"Yes. Definitivamente si. Oo naman." She answered gladly. She shriek when he stood up and kissed her but turn her around. "Hey, put me down, I'm getting dizzy." He put her down and kissed her on the lips again. "So, where's my ring?"

"Ah..." he suddenly scratched her head.

"Here." Anthony came in somewhere. "Papa said he doesn't have a ring yet, but he wanted to propose on you, so tio Rafael and I made a ring for you."

It was a ring made of plant stem and a small sea shell. It was so cute and perfect.

"Thanks buddy." Javier messed their son's hair and put the ring on her finger. They both were amazed. "It fits."

"It's beautiful, baby. Thank you." She said and kissed his son.

"Congratulations!" Everyone came in somewhere. So they were just hiding in that one room, she thought was the comfort room. Ysa was even holding a cake.

"Thanks guys." Javier told them as he hugged her from the back.

She's still in shocked but in the peak of her happiness. She really didn't expect that. Like, how could she if this morning he just argued with him and what more after. And all of a sudden he proposed. She's now engaged to the only guy she gave her heart with. The only guy she ever loved and the only guy who made her pregnant… twice.

Everyone hugged and said their congratulations on them. Even Minji who was hesitant to approach her at first, still tried to greet them. It's funny how her jealousy turned into fond now. She already love looking at her face and adoring her.

"Okay, so later, the designer of the gown will come for her to measure you." Selena suddenly told her.

"Measure for what? I told you I won't be your bride's maid." She asked confused.

"No, not a bride's maid but you will also be the bride. The gown was already made; they just need your measurement for adjustments. Anthony was the one who chose the design for you."


"We will be having a double wedding next week, Demi. We are the one who suggested Javier about it. Our sisters agreed and they said it's the right thing to do, so they helped us call the invited people to inform them about the double wedding." Dustin added.

She looked at Javier bewildered. "I told you, I'm on a rush. When they suggested to do that and told me that everything will be possible, then I said, why not? I know you have a dream wedding but we can always do that in out anniversary. Because, honey, I really don't mind. Either way, you'll still be my wife."

"We know you have your own dream wedding. Every woman does. But, we thought that it's better for you to marry now before the baby will come out. We don't want them to be illegitimate." Oscar added too.

"Plus, you know that we just invited our close relative in our wedding, right? I ask your mom and my mom to inform them about this. Actually, whether you say yes or not, you're still going to marry doc." Selena continued.

"Is there anything you can add more? Because I didn't say I'm against it. I also don't mind because at the end of the day, he's still going to be my husband." She finally told them that maid happy reactions from all of them again.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Here's your comfort food." Ysa interrupted and put the pinakbet and chapseuy in front of her that made her eyes sparkle. Javier just laughed in her reaction. "Doc Javier asked me if it could be possible to asked nanay to cook pinakbet and other vegetable dish for you, because you didn't each much this morning and he's worried that you might be starving yourself because you lose your appetite. So there."

"You bothered aling Sabel for this?" she can't believe he did that for her.

"It's not a bother doc Demi, nanay was so happy to cook for you. In fact, she even added more bitter melon because she saw you want that more than the other vegetable. And mind you doc, that were all fresh from our backyard too."

"Ow, thank you Ysa. I really do appreciate everything. Thank aling Sabel for me too."

And with that, she didn't hesitate to start eating. Javier was just amazed while watching him and when he put some in his mouth he just shook his head. Come to think of it, it looks like his child is vegetarian because that's what she just wanted her to take, but either way, as long as it's healthy.
