Chap 13

"FREY, hey, long time, no see."

She was at the mall buying a gift from one of her co-worker who just got birth yesterday. She was at the baby section trying to look for something she could give when someone call her name. Her eyes went straight to the baby she was carrying.

"We didn't have chance to talk before. I was honestly just so scared to face you. I felt guilty on what happened. I'm sorry." Mitchie, added.

She's the fiancée of her ex boyfriend, Jake. The daughter of a family friend of her parents. She heard she gave birth a month ago. At first, she get mad at her and thought she seduced her boyfriend, but sooner and later she realized that it's not just her fault but her and Jake. There was the time that she even cursed her in her mind. Everyone knew that she's a good friend but a worst enemy. Maybe hat is the reason why she said she got scared on her.

"Is this your baby?" She asked while smiling. She even showed her the baby's face under the blanket that was covering it.

"He's adorable. What's his name?"


She nodded. The baby was sleeping and he's adorable.

"I heard from tita that you had a boyfriend." Mitchie said again. "Jake said that he even saw you with him when you attended your friend's wedding at the island in La Union. Is it true?"

"Do you really wanna know or you're just confirming?"

"No. I just wanna know. I mean, I don't know how to get near you after what I did. I know how long you've been in a relationship with him. I'm so sorry for taking him away from you. So when I heard you moved on from him and had a new boyfriend, at least I can talk to you now and apologize."

Maybe if she didn't move on and Mitchie said those words, she might slapped her now and there. How dare her telling that to her face when she's aware that she took his boyfriend away from her? But no… she can't feel any bitterness now. In fact, she can't feel any pain from it now.

"Don't worry; I'm not mad at you or your baby. I won't do anything to you now Well, yes, I did got furious when I heard that you're pregnant with his baby. I hated you for seducing him, I know it's not just your fault. He's also part of it. And now, I already accepted it. By the way, where is your fiancé, why are you here alone?"

"We were with him a while ago but his office called and he have to go there. So, she just let us buy and he'll pick us later."

"He let you stay here alone with your baby?" Frey can't believe he chose to go to his work that to be with his baby. He's being irresponsible. If that thing happened to him, he'll slapped him in the face.

"How about you? Why are you at the baby section?"

"I was buying a gift for a new born baby. But maybe I could do that later. What are you going to buy? I'll just company you."

"Really? You would do that?" Mitchie was shocked but she nodded. She pity her for shopping alone, that's all. It's not easy to buy something while you're holding a baby. At least her friends told her that,

They were both enjoying the shopping while learning about the how to take clean the bottles and all, she felt like she's also a new mom, while listening to the sales ladies explaining to them. Everything a new mom should learn about how to handle baby bottles, pumps, even baby clothes. She didn't knew she could also enjoy that with Mitchie. She's not even close with her, even before.

"Thank you, Frey. I never felt this happy shopping with my baby." They were in the lobby, her pushing the cart full of baby items that Mitchie bought. Why could a father let his wife who just gave birth with their one moth baby, do all the shopping with those items alone?

"Me too, I feel like, I'm ready to be a mommy too."

"Why not? You will be a great mom someday, Frey. I'm sure of it because you're a good person."

She just smiled when she realized she's starting to be dramatic again. She hated those kind of stuff. But come to think of it, she didn't even noticed that she said about being a mom, when she accepted that she will be an old maiden.

"Michie," they both turned to the man who just came in and he saw his forehead knotted while looking at her. "Frey?"

"Frey was with me while I shop for the clothes and things of our baby. We all bought everything that was on the list." Mitchie pointed at the cart she was pushing a while ago. She even bought a baby cradle for their baby as her gift.

"It's not a joke to shop alone when you're buying a lot of things. You shouldn't leave them alone next time. How irresponsible you are." She just said seriously to Jake and turn to face Mitchie. "Anyway, I have to go. I still have a somewhere to go." She bid her goodbye to them and went straight to her car.